This president proposed a reconstruction plan that allowed Confederate states to establish new state governments after 10% of their male population took loyalty oaths, and the states recognized the permanent freedom of formerly enslaved people.
Abraham Lincoln
In 1899, this U.S. foreign policy called for a system of equal trade and investment in China, among the Great Powers.
The Open Door Policy
This slogan represented the African-American communities' fight for justice and equality both, inside the United States and abroad.
The Double V Campaign
This Supreme Court decision overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; thus, the doctrine of "separate-but-equal" was unconstitutional.
Brown v. Board of Education
This economic plan created a common market among Canada, the United States, and Mexico that eliminated most tariffs.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
This group of Congressmen wanted to:
1. Disenfranchise former Confederate leaders
2. Redistribute land to former slaves
3. Guarantee civil liberties to former slaves
The Radical Republicans
This domestic policy by President Theodore Roosevelt called for:
1. Legislating corporations
2. Extending consumer protection
3. Conservation of natural resources
The Square Deal
This event ended America's Great Depression.
World War II
This event, convinced American decision makers of the validity of National Security Council Paper (NSC-68); which concluded that containing communism could be achieved purely through a military approach.
The invasion of South Korea by North Korea
In reference to this event, President Reagan stated, "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."
The Iran-Contra Scandal
Collectively, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were known as:
The Civil War Amendments
This term described young, American women in the 1920s that publicly drank alcohol and smoked, wore short hair, and dressed salaciously.
This U.S. economic program was designed to rehabilitate the economies of post-WWII countries. It was offered to all European countries, including the Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe.
The Economic Recovery Act of 1948, or The Marshall Plan
This event convinced many Americans to oppose the war in Vietnam and it influenced President Johnson not to seek reelection in 1968.
The Tet Offensive
Mikhail Gorbachev identified this event as a turning point in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Chernobyl disaster
This Amendment prohibits the federal government and each state from denying or abridging a citizen's right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
After the Great War, isolationists Senators in the U.S. Congress objected to Article X of this treaty.
The Treaty of Versailles
This political system advocated that the government should own the means of production, for example if the United States owned Standard Oil.
Socialism or Communism
In June 1971, President Nixon inaugurated this political campaign to disrupt the anti-war and African-American communities.
The "War on Drugs" campaign
These U.S. presidents have been impeached.
Andrew Johnson (1868), William Clinton (1998), and Donald Trump (2019, 2021)
The Compromise of 1877, which is considered to have marked the official end of Reconstruction, granted this candidate the presidency.
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
This term described state and local laws in the southern states that enforced racial segregation.
Jim Crow
This speech, by Winston Churchill in 1946, is considered the start of the Cold War, since he described the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate spheres.
The "Iron Curtain" speech
This U.S. action in April 1961, propelled Cuba to request nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union in the summer of 1962.
The Bay of Pigs invasion
The codename for this operation that produced an invasion of Panama to execute an American arrest warrant on President Manuel Antonio Noriega.
"Operation Just Cause"