Did you know we're from Ohio?
Four Weddings and No Funerals
Famous Finns
Are low?

This river is known to have caught fire at least 13 times

What is the Cuyahoga river?


Eliza and Mat got married in August in this location (be specific!)

What is the Bakers' backyard?


This good ol' Boston boy and BFF of Ben Affleck is a Finnish-American

Who is Matt Damon?


The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth (-128.6 degrees Fahrenheit) was recorded on this continent in 1983

What is Antarctica?


Even Ohio flags want to make people look at them in their Ohioan glory. This makes the Ohio state flag unique.

It is the only flag of the 50 states that is not rectangular


This is the name of the awesome, fancy British hats that Kirsty's family wore to Brendan and her wedding

What are fascinators?


This fictional character tries to help his friend Jim escape slavery, but he winds up accidentally sailing down the Mississippi river, having adventures and meeting people along the way.

Who is Huckleberry Finn?


This is the lowest natural place on land in the world, sitting 1,412 feet below sea level

What is the Dead Sea in Israel?


This Ohio team, founded in 1869, was the first ever professional baseball team, although you won't see its name in the MLB now.

Who are the Cincinatti Red Stockings?


When Mom and Dad/Doug and Judy/Grandma and Poppop couldn't get married in a Catholic church or a Jewish temple, they got married here instead

What is the chapel at MIT?


Simo Hayha, who has the most confirmed kills of any sniper in military history (500+), achieved this record by camouflaging himself in a white snowsuit, climbing tall trees, and even holding snow in his mouth so no enemies could see the warm puff of his breath. He fought in the Winter War, which was part of World War II, fought in the winter of 1939-1940 between these two countries

What are Finland and the Soviet Union?


This part of the Pacific Ocean has the lowest and deepest point anywhere on earth

What is the Mariana Trench/Challenger Deep?


Although the first airplane took off from Kittyhawk, North Carolina, Ohio claims to be the birthplace of aviation because of this fact

What is being the birthplace of the Wright brothers?

(even when people leave Ohio, it seems they can't stop talking about Ohio....)


These two states are where Amelia and Tim met and where they got married

What are Massachusetts and New Hampshire?


This famous Finn was a mythical warrior-hunter in Irish mythology. In some stories, he was a giant whose smashing created the Giant's causeway.

Who is Finn MacCool or Fionn mac Cumhaill?


This is the deepest lake in the United States and the only National Park in Oregon.

What is Crater Lake?


Ohio and this state both claim to have produced the most US Presidents, with both claiming William Henry Harrison

What is Virginia?

This park in downtown Ashland was designed by the same architect as Golden Gate park and is where Mat's parents, Tom and Elaine, were married.

What is Lithia Park?


This actress, who was the first African-American winner of Miss America, didn't know that she was 12% Finnish until she took a DNA test on a reality TV show

Who is Vanessa Williams?


The deepest humans have been into the earth is the TauTona gold mine in this country.

What is South Africa?
