Define a habitat.
Define behavioral trait.
A way an organism behaves, or acts.
True or False: Human-caused changes can affect ecosystems in harmful ways.
Define conversationist.
A person who works to protect plants, animals, habitats, and ecosystems.
Choose ONE of the following habitats. Then choose the correct temperature(s) and rainfall.
Habitats: Rainforest, Tundra, Desert
Temperature: Hot/Cold, Cold, Hot
Rainfall: Dry habitat, Rain all year
Rainforest, Hot, Rain all year
Tundra, Cold, Dry habitat
Desert, Hot/Cold, Dry habitat
Name one reason an animal might live or work in a group.
Hunting as a group helps individuals survive, group provides safety in numbers, or animal groups often care for young together
Give ONE reason animals migrate.
To find food, to reproduce, a change in their habitat
Define restore.
Restore means to bring back something.
Define adaptation.
A body part of behavior that helps a living thing survive.
Define natural hazard.
Natural hazards are natural events that cause negative changes to a habitat or ecosystem.
How has climate affected sea ice in cold habitats?
The warmer climate is melting the sea ice.
What are TWO things a conversationist works to protect?
Plants and animals
Choose ONE organism below. Give an example of an adaption and write about it helps the organism.
Organisms: Cactus, Topi, Owl, Giraffe
Cactus - spines, helps protect their water source
Topi - snout, helps them get and eat food
Owl - Wide wingspan, can glide quietly to sneak up on animals that catches for food
Giraffe - long neck, helps them get and eat food
List two examples of natural hazards.
Hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, flood, tsunami
How have salmon responded to the warmer climate?
Salmon have responded by changing the time of year they migrate.
What is the purpose of a fish ladder?
Fish ladders let migrating fish pass.
Organisms have adaptations, or traits, that help them survive in specific habitats. Think about how each trait is used. Look at the trait below. Identify what habitat it would be best used in.
Trait: Long, hard claws
Desert or Forest habitat
Choose ONE of the following and give a specific example of how that animal lives or works in a group.
Animals: Elephants, Dolphins, Meerkats
Elephants - Animal groups care for young together. All of the females, in a herd of elephants, help care for the calves.
Dolphins - Hunt as a group to help individuals survive. Dolphins work together to surround a school of fish. The dolphins herd the fish into a tight ball and take turns swimming through the ball of fish.
Meerkats - Safety in numbers. Meerkats have a sentry that stands on watch while others look for food.
What are the three ways an organism might respond to a change in their environment?
Move, die, survive
Problem: People need roads, but living things must be able to roam and hunt safely.
Identify a solution to conserve habitats and build roads.
Solution: Conservationists designed wildlife crossings. Some go over roads, others are tunnels that go under roads.