What school did Ella go to, has to be the full name
Perth College Anglican School for Girls
What flavour of shapes is his favourite
What year did Marcus rejoin Habo as a Mad
What car does tomer drive?
What star sign is Ella
Which are the three vegetables that Ari eats
Carrot, capsicum, celery
What year was Marcus born
Where did Tomer stay before moving into the kvutzah house
What was the first place Ella worked at, bonus points if you know the location
McDonalds, Ballajura
what is Ari's cats name, extra points if you get the translation
Tikva, means pumpkin in slovakian
How many pets does Marcus have, bonus points if you can guess how many of each type
1 Dog, 2 Cats
How many siblings does Tomer have?
How many piercings does Ella have?
What is Ari's second or third middle name
Elon, Abraham
What other country does Marcus have citizenship for
The United States of America
How many jumpers did tomer bring to fed