This coworkers secrete talent is the ability to form a four-leaf clover with their tongue.
Who is Hanna F.?
These two dogs have been given nicknames that rhyme with a popular easter candy (name at least one).
Ellie (Ellie bean)
Tell (Telly bean)
In 2020, this was the most popular name for dogs in the US.
What is Bella?
This tv network is famously known for its holiday romcoms.
What is Hallmark?
This person's number one item on their Christmas list this year was a new couch.
Who is Sarah?
This dog's nickname is also a slimy invertebrate that lives in the ground.
Sherman (Shermy worm, shwermy, worm-man, wormy, etc.)
This group of dogs was the first to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
What is the sporting group?
In this iconic Christmas movie. The main character is stranded in New York City alone.
What is Home Alone?
This coworker does not own any pets, but would like a dog named Millie, and a cat named Otis.
Who is Olivia?
This dogs' nickname is related to a food company that is well known for their self-rising crust and catchy slogan.
Bjorn (Bigiorno, pizza bear, pizza man, "it's not delivery it's Bijiorno")
Dogs sweat from this part of their body when they start to overheat.
What are paws?
This city puts on the largest Christmas light displays in the country.
Where is Duluth, MN?