Who made the song God-ish?
What is DECO*27 and PinocchioP?
The 'Hookshot' first appeared in what Legend of Zelda game?
What is A Link to the Past?
Why does Haruhi become a host in Ouran High School Host Club?
What is paying off her debt of breaking a vase?
In Katamari, the Prince has to roll a magic ball. What is this ball called?
What is Katamari?
What was the first show we watched together?
What is Ace Attorney?
What was the name of Otsu-P’s last song?
What is Chord Liner?
What is his name?
What is Kaepora Gaebora?
In Madoka Magica, what is the name of Sayaka's witch form?
What is Oktavia von Seckendorff?
What is Leon Kennedy's middle name?
What is Scott?
What is my alien son's name?
What is Gloopy?
What is the only male voicebank by Crypton?
What is KAITO?
What game has the least number of dungeons?
What is Majora's Mask?
What is Ubel's signature spell?
What is Reelseiden?
What American State's towns was Silent Hill 2's architecture based on?
What is California?
What was the first Vocaloid song I ever listened to?
What is Echo by GUMI?
Who provides GUMI's voice bank?
What is Megumi Nakajima?
Where does Midna say that light and shadow cannot mix and intends to leave?
What is Mirror of Twilight?
What is the cat's name from My Boss is Goofy?
What is Hakutou?
Devil May Cry was supposed to what other popular video game?
What is Resident Evil 4?
When was our server made?
What is December 19th, 2022?
What is Oliver's bird's unofficial name?
What is James?
What game contains some leftover data from The Wind Waker, namely models for the Wind Waker and Bomb Flowers, the animation when Link opens certain chests, theme music for the interior of certain buildings and houses ?
What is Twilight Princess?
When Cheng Xiaoshi enters someones body, what color do their eyes become?
What is golden?
What gave Noel Berry the inspiration to name the setting of the game Celeste?
What is the British Columbia Mountains?
Who is my favourite person in the world?
What is Hafsa Cheema?