Why did the Nile flood the land?
Give the actual reason and tell why the Egyptians though the Nile flooded
he nile overflows its banks because of the large amount of rainfall at the blue nile in the ethiopian highlands. This extra water fills up the nile exceeding its water capacity and flooding the areas and banks around it. Another reason is that some mountains far away melt their snow into water and add this water to the nile. The ancient egyptians had a different theory they thought that the Nile flooded every year because of isis's tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris.
Name 6 Egyptians Gods or goddess
Amun Ra, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nun, Geb
Is a irrigation tool used to move water from a low point to a higher point with ease. It was made of simple components.
What is a shaduf
What Different classes were in Egypt?
Pharaohs/ and his family, Upper class, Middle Class lower class/slaves
Name 4 Hieroglyphs. Describe how they look like.
(if you do more than 4 and you get an extra 200 points)
Vulture, Hand, Foot, Lion, Owl, Reed, Horned Viper, Basket with handle, Quail Chick, Two reeds, Ripple of water, Snake, Mouth
The Red land and the Black land
What two land did the Egyptians divide Egypt into?
Was known as the god of the waters of Chaos. This god existed before anything on earth. The very first mound or land aroused from it
Who was the god Nun
An Eye makeup the Egyptians wore. Made my combining soot and Galena
What is Kohl
Give a brief description of who is in what Class
-Royal Family
-High priestess, viziers, Government officials, Army generals
-Scribes, artisans, physicians, common priests,
-Farmers, Peasants, Dancers, workers,Slaves
Who was Jean Francis Champollion
Jean Francois Champollion was a french Egyptology and linguist born in December 23rd 1790 and died in 1832. He was known as the Father of Egyptology. Champollion was responsible for deciphering hieroglyphs. This vast amount of knowledge he acquired about hieroglyphs gave scholars a foundation. The scholars built on this foundation Champollion had created, giving us the immense amount of knowledge we have today about Egypt.
How much Precipitation does Egypt have Annually?
80 Millimetres of Precipitation
What did the ancient Egyptians think caused Earthquakes?
The ancient Egyptians thought that earthquakes were caused by Geb's laughter
Geb is the God of Earth
Name 5 Egyptians Inventions other than the shaduf, plow and Papyrus
In the summer the temperature can go from 43 degrees to 7 degrees. In the winter the temperature can go from 18 degrees to 0 degrees.
This god let not only Pharoahs but normal people into the afterlife
Who is Osiris
It prevented Eye Diesese and the Evil Eye of Their Enemy
What did kohl prevent
The age 12
The average age a Peasant Girl would Marry
What was some of the Remedies used for sick people
Early folk medicine included the use of moldy foods or soil for infections. In ancient Egypt, for example, infections were treated with moldy bread.
The Egyptians also pleaded with their gods to make them Healthy
What were the 3 stages of the Nile flood cycle and when do they Occur
Akhet, the time of the Nile flood, Peret, the sowing time, and Shemu, the time of harvest. Akhet was the first season of the year, between the months of June and September. Peret or the Egyptian Autumn season marked the time when their crops grew in the fields and were harvested, running from October to mid-February. Shemu was the third and last season of the Egyptian year which ran from mid-February until the end of May.
What is the Ka and Ba and what happen to them in the afterlife
The The ancient Egyptians believed that everyone had a soul. They called the soul by two names - the Ba and the Ka. The Ka goes to the afterlife, your ba stays and watches over your family. At the end of the day the Ba and Ka reunite
What did the Pyramids Size and shape represent and refer to
The Egyptians thought that all life aroused from a mound, so they built the pyramids very large and mound shaped to represent the mound in which all life arouse
Khnemibre Ahmose II (Amasis)
Who was the last Pharaoh in Egypt before the Persian Conquest
How did the Ancient Egyptians imagine the world to look like?
Egyptian’s believed that the earth was flat and round (like a pancake) and that the Nile flowed through the center of it.