I have pigtails and loves to explore
What letter does Pangaea look like?
How many years in the future does this book take place in?
A couple hundred
How many cities are there in the book?
7 Cities
I hid a secret illegal coal mine
How many major breakup phases were there?
What city does the story take place in?
Cliff River City
Why did Keith go get Lulu?
Because her parents died so she went to live with them
I have very similar personalities with this person
How many years ago was the Palaeozoic era?
About 450 million years ago
Where did they present project f?
Foxbridge Field
In my head, what does the train symbolize?
A body of water
In My 70s
In the middle Jurassic era what were the names of the two supercontinents?
Laurasia and Gondwana
How many floors are there in Keith's apartment building?
4 floors
How many images did I have in my book talk slides?
I'm a battery maker
Arthur Arlo (Keith's dad)
What 3 eras were mentioned during my Pangea slide?
The: Palaeozoic, Jurassic and Cenozoic eras
What letter does the bright spots apartment look like?
How many pieces of land did Gondwana separate into
5 pieces of land