Pure or fundamental colors that cannot be created by combining other colors are called
primary colors
Which color will help balance orange tones in the hair
Overlapping color can cause breakage and create
a line of demarcation
What is the standard volume developer for haircoloring
20 vol
What is the layer of the hair that gives the hair the majority of its strength and elasticity
A _______ color is achieved by mixing a secondary color and its neighboring primary color
The melanin that gives blond and red colors to hair is called
the melanin that gives black and brown colors to the hair is
If the cuticle is lifted, allowing the hair to take color quickly, the hair is said to have
High Porosity
Traditional semi-permanent haircolor only lasts _______, depending upon how frequently the hair is shampooed
4-6 weeks
Which technique results in strands of hair that are colored darker than the natural color?
Explain single process application
lifts and deposits at the same time
Explain double process application
first you prelighten, then you add your color/toner afterwards
Haircolor levels are arranged on a scale from
Predisposition test, also known as _________, identifies a possible allergy in a client
patch test
What is the measurement for the concentration and strength of hydrogen peroxide
The powdered persulfate salts added to the haircolor to increase its lightening ability are called
What is a chemical compound that lightens hair by dispersing, dissolving, and decolorizing the natural hair pigment
What is a non-ammonia haircolor that adds shine and tone to the hair
Explain a virgin haircolor application and a retouch color application
Virgin - apply color on mid shaft first then reappply to regrowth and ends
Retouch- apply only on 1/2 inch regrowth and onto scalp