What does the introduction mention about Haiti? (23:20-25:48)
Poorest country in W. Hemisphere even before earthquake. Statues of Black men as heroes of first independent Black nation.Rich history and culture.
Who was King Henri Cristophe?
King Heri Cristophe fought in American Revolution. Haiti’s survival rested on his shoulders. France, Britain and US refused to recognize Haiti as it could never become an example for other countries in the Americas. Christophe built a citadel to protect against invasion. They were afraid of going back to slavery. Haitians rejected everything that reminded them of slavery. They destroyed all the means of production, including sugar, road system, investment into sugar and coffee machinery.
what does it say about Culture at the National School for the Arts (25:48-28:00)?
Music classes at National School for the Arts. So many different ethnicities from Africa and Haitians have imitated them all, from Benin, Nigeria. Inherited and incorporated everything from Africa. Creole – 18th century French and African languages
How did Economic Problems, Trade Embargos, and Invasion affect Haiti?
Trade embargos, blockades, systematic denigration of Haitians. The US government under Thomas Jefferson and the French government. France demanded reparations (Haiti has to pay money to France, more than 1 billion 1826-1947, bankrupting Haiti. Like a different form of slavery.
What does it say about History, Cap-Haitien, and Sugar Plantation Economy (28:00-31:30)?
First known as Cap-Francais. 1697, Island first divided, and Cap-Haitien was main Haitian city, main port of African slaves. 7704,000 people brought as slaves. Richest colony because of sugar. Haiti was known as the Pearl of the Antilles. By the mid 1700s, produced nearly half the world’s sugar and 2/5 of France’s trade. Sugar plantation economy caused a much different form of existence. Slave-rate was much lower on Spanish side that used cattle ranching. Population formation was different. More race mixing in DR than Haiti. The Dominican elite rejected the African component of their culture. The Haitian elite accepted their African origin. African original is part of our national culture.
What happened to Haiti during the US invasion? How long did it last? Invasion (45:43-47:15)
The US invaded Haiti, and a year later, the Dominican Republic. July 28, 1915. They stayed for 19 years to ensure that Haiti paid its debt. Caused political, economic, social instability for several decades.
What does video say about Haitians' Religion (31:31-34:50)?
Catholic. Voudou. Haitians have pride in forefatehrs and heritage. Voudou’s embrace of nature places it at core of Haitian culture. Voudou incorporates influences from all African cultures that were present in Haiti. It was inclusive. Voudou gave them strenghth, courage, organization and leadership.
Who was François “Papa Doc” Duvalier (47:12-50:14)?
Never given chance to develop as independent nation. Has suffered from several burtal, despotic leaders. Papa Doc. What you call Democracy in your own country, another rcna call it a dictatorship President from 1957-1971, Duvalier stole millions in foreign aid, and his foreign militia was violent. US backed him. Many talented people left during Duvalier’s rule. Teachers, writers, thinkers, all left.
How does the Slave Revolt happen? what was The Bwa Kayiman Uprising?
Haitian Revolution conceived. Started with a Voudoud religious ceremony. Aug 14, 1791. Thunder, lightning, Haitians get together and decide in Voudou ceremony that slavery is over. They touch the blood of a slaughtered pig as a sign of promise to the cause. Used example of American and French Revolution, inspired by Voudou. Voudou represented the cement of Haiti – what united everyone in Haiti. Greatest slave revolt in the history of the New World. Overthrew the French in 2 years. Haiti remained a French colony, but without slavery. 1802, the French, under Napoleon, brought slavery back. Haitians rose up again. Jean Jacques Dessalines, the next Haitian general and former slave, Jan 1, 1804, vowed to kill any French who came to Haiti. He ordered all French people in Haiti to be killed.
What can we say about the earthquake?
Haitians are still waiting for most of 10 billion dollars pledged in aid. Earthquake could be a new beginning. Dominicans were the first on the scene providing aid and support after earthquake. Haitians have faced greater odds and can rebuild. Perhaps the world will welcome Haiti as a full and equal partner among nations. If not now, when?