The two most spoken language
French and Creole.
Most people in Haiti are descendants of this continent.
What is Africa
This is a unique form of Haitian music.
This type of school is prevalent in Haiti.
What is this?
who is the actual president of Haiti?
Jovenel Moises
This major event happened to Haiti in 2010.
What is an earthquake?
Traditional music from Haiti is influenced by this type of rhythm.
Who is this?
Catherine Flon
Guess what activity this is
What are the Haitians devices?
Unity is strength ( l 'union fait la force
Cite the three most popular religions from Haiti.
Catholicism, Protestantism, voodooist.
Compas is also known as this.
What is the modern méringue?
When did Haiti took its independence?
The 1 January 1804
What is a famous name for Haiti?
(La pearl des antilles.) The pearls of the Antilles.
What is the name of this dress.
1) Yayoulou 3) rad
2) Ayayay 4) carabela
What is the capital of Haiti?
Compas was born in this century.
What is the 19th century?
Name the first president then become King of Haiti?
Henry Christoph
Haitien are not allowed to answer
What is the first thing Haitien said when they're scared!
Anmweeeey !!!!
Name the first Emperor?
Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
When was the Flag adopted
The 18 May 1803
Tell me one Haitian song you know.
Congrats you love our culture!!
he is now known as the "Father of Haiti became a free man and began his military career as a leader of the 1791 slave rebellion in Saint-Domingue.
Haitien isn't allowed to answer!!!
say a complete sentence in Creole or French.
a name or pronoun/ a verb, main close.
Congrats you're officially Haitien!!!