Who can be a practitioner of Vodou?
anybody can be a practitioner
Voodoo is a practice in what?
There are three answers
patron of the saints
Where is Vodou practiced?
The United States, South America, and Africa
Why did I pick Vodou?
After seeing the shadow man from Princess and the Frog I wanted to learn more about the topic. This is an excuse to do it without forgetting.
How the fork do you spell "voodoo"? Voodoo or Vodou?
Both are technically right. But for this situation it is Vodou.
Who are the tribs that practice Vodou?
Name at least three.
Aja, Ewe, Fon peoples of Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Nigeria
What do you call a Vodou Practitioner?
Vodouisants or Vodouyizan.
When was Vodou banned? How many years?
From 1835 to 1987 for a total of 157 years.
why are there misconceptions about Vodou?
Hint: What causes misconceptions about everything?
Are shrunken heads part of Vodou?
Not Haitian voudou
Who was the historian who described Voodoo as a “medium of the conspiracy,”?
C.L.R. James
What is the difference between voodoo and vodou?
Vodou is an alternative spelling for Voodoo. Both terms stem from the Vodun religion practiced by some groups in West Africa. Vodun was brought to Haiti by African slaves. Their religion merged with the Catholic religion of the French to become Voodoo.
Where did shrunken heads originate?
northwestern Amazonian regions of South America
Why is Vodou important?
It has been in this culture for generations. It is part of Haitian history.
what is the process for a shrunken head?
There are six steps.
1. remove skin and hair from the skull
2. discarded the skull
3. Boil the skin
4. sew it all back together
5. palce hot stone inside to shape it
6. rub with charcoal or smoke it to dark