This Arabic term means declaration of faith?
How many chapters are there in the Quran?
(2x If you can tell me how many juz!)
114 Surahs
(30 Juz)
Which prophet has no father?
Isa (A.S)
How many level of Jannah or Jahannam are there?
7 levels of each
What do you call the recordings of everything prophet Muhammed said or did?
What is the Arabic term that refers to Allah's divine decree?
Which surah is named after a female figure?
Surah Maryam
How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran?
25 Prophets!
How many angels are tasked with recording your deeds?
(2x If you can tell me what they are called in the Quran)
2 Angels
(Kiraman Katibin)
What tribe is the prophet from?
This term is the name of the blessed water spring that is located near the kaaba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
(2x if you can also tell me who came across it)
(Prophet Ibrahim's wife Hajar did with her son Ismail)
What's the name of this surah that contains this verse?
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِىَ دِينِ
Who were the children of Prophet Ibrahim A.S.?
Prophet Isma'il A.S (Ishamael)
Prophet Ishaq A.S (Issac)
In Arabic what do you call the angel that is tasked with taking the soul?
Malak Al-Mawt
What was the name of the cave where prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) received the first revelation?
Cave Hira
This Arabic term is the used to refer to the "afterlife", where the soul is rewarded or punished based on Allah's mercy and one's deeds.
What's the name of this surah that starts like this?
إِذَا جَآءَ نَصْرُ ٱللَّهِ وَٱلْفَتْحُ
Name me a prophet who had a disbelieving Wife?
(2x if you can name both of them)
Prophet Nuh (A.S)
Prophet Lut (A.S)
These beings are described as untouched women and is a great reward in Paradise and were compared to "rubies and coral", what are they called?
Hoor Al-Ayn
After the death of his mother Aminah the 6 year old prophet's grandfather Abdul Mutalib took care of him after the death of his grandfather the prophets uncle took care of the 8 year old prophet Muhammed (S.A.W), what was his uncle's name?
Abu Talib
This Arabic term means "hypocrites" and its used to describe individuals who outwardly claim belief in Allah and Islam but inwardly reject or oppose it.
Name me one of the people that Uthman (R.A) ordered to help compile the Quran?
Zayd bin Thabit
Abdullah bin AzZubair
Sa'id bin Al-As
AbdurRahman bin Harith
Which prophet was sent to guide the people of 'Aad who were known for their great strength but were arrogant and idolaters and Allah destroyed them by a mighty wind after they rejected the message?
Prophet Hud (A.S)
Based on the Quran who will the inhabitants of hell call too asking to be relieved saying "Let your lord put an end to us"
How many wives did the prophet marry?
(2x if you can name 4 of them)
11 Wives
(Khadijah, Sawdah, Aishah, Hafsah, Zaynab, Umm Salamah, Zaynab, Juwayriya, Umm Habiba, Safiyya, Maymunah)