What is the capitol of New York?
Jill K. Meyer
Who is the Dean of Pine Knoll?
Prefect who is in CHICAGO the Musical, OPENING NIGHT NEXT SATURDAY! 3/1!
Who is Tina Phan?
Prefect from Texas.
Who is William Ogle?
Who are Jeannie, Takunda, and Bruce?
Who are the Costco Guys? OR. Who is Big Justice and AJ?
Was a girls dorm in 2022-23.
What is Stimson?
Prefect whose eye prescription is -4.0
Who is Addison Deng?
Prefect who hosts tea time in their room.
Who is Sami Tokat?
Who is Jaylen Daley?
City known as The Hub.
What is Boston?
What is the Cold War?
Prefect who has met Obama.
Who is Mayen Etuk?
Prefect who has never gotten restriction.
Who is Papa Paintsil?
”The End Depends Upon the Beginning.”
What is Finis Origine Pendet?
A mobile phone that was popular before the smartphone; famous for its colour faceplates. Also the name of a recently released Drake song.
What is Nokia?
Pine Knoll co-presidents in 2023-24.
Who are Eddie and Anjola?
Prefect who was a minion for Halloween.
Who is Isabella Mazzi?
Prefect who has had 5 different advisors in 3 years.
Who is Maurice Ntoro?
Sports team that consists of 10% of the student population.
What is Andover Crew? (JOIN JOIN JOIN)
Energy drink that two Hale prefects are obsessed with.
What is Bloom Energy?
Person from PKN who won rock paper scissors during fall Cluster Olympics.
Who is Micheal Kawooya?
Prefect who swam for 9 years.
Prefect who has lost their phone inside the vents of a plane.
Who is Ashiq Kibria?
7 years.