Obstruction of a pulmonary artery or one of it's branches by a blood clot.
What is Pulmonary Embolism
Oral Hygiene, avoid alcohol, teach pt compliance with antibiotics, administer bronchodilators, high protein diet, ABG & Pulse Ox monitoring, postural drainage, increase fluids, measure & examine sputum
What is Interventions for Lung Abscess
Hoarseness, dyspnea, aspiration of food/saliva, neck swelling, inability to speak, cough
What is Laryngeal Obstruction
D-Dimer, CXR, embolectomy, EKG, ABG, Pulmonary angiogram, VQ Scan
Pulmonary Embolism
What are the most common inducers of a laryngeal obstruction? (3)
Exercise, irritants, emotional stress
Malignant tumor of the lung arising within the bronchial wall or epithelium.
What is Lung CA
Exercise, compression stockings, monitor labs, administer meds, vitals, ABG, Pulse ox, lung sounds, control pain, finish antibiotics, avoid vitamin K in diet
What is interventions for Pulmonary Embolism
New persistent cough, changes to chronic cough, hemoptysis, SOB, wheezing, hoarseness, chest pain, headache, bone pain, weight loss (calcium is not being reabsorbed)
What is Lung CA
Laryngeal Obstruction
What is the leading cancer killer among men & women in the US?
Lung CA
An object or a body part is blocking the airway; no air is going in or out.
What is Laryngeal Obstruction
Assess upper & lower airway, assess throat disturbances, respiratory history, VS, comprehensive history, prep for laryngoscopy, anxiety management, depression assessment, teach communication techniques, teach pt attack management
Foul odor, bad breath, CP
Early: fever w/ chills, night sweats, persistent cough
Late: Pain w/ deep breathing, coughing up blood, SOB, unintentional weight loss, fatigue, clubbing
What is Lung Abscess
CT (best way), CXR, WBC
Lung Abscess
What is the most common risk factor of a lung abscess?
Alcohol Abuse
Localized collection of pus caused by a microbial infection
What is Lung Abscess
Teach: Breathing techniques, pace activities, smoking cessation, nutrition, medication regimen, pain control
Action: Provide O2, administer meds, provide small frequent meals, semi-fowlers position, Teach pt to breath with diaphragm, teach pt to huff cough (helps with clearance), ensure adequate protein intake
Dyspnea, CP, tachycardia, tachypnea
What is Pulmonary Embolism
CT, CXR, PET scan, Bone scan, Thoracentesis, Needle biopsy, Lobectomy, Pneumonectomy, Wedge resection, Radiation, chemotherapy
Lung CA
What are some risk factors for developing a PE?
Pregnancy, Birth control, sit down job, surgery, prolonged immobility, trauma, etc.
How long does a patient with a lung abscess stay on antibiotics?
IV antibiotics for 3 weeks or longer; followed by oral antibiotics for 4-12 weeks.