What Literary term is used in this quote?
“This was such a big leap in logic, between what I said and what he said, I thought we were like two people standing apart on separate mountain peaks, recklessly leaning forward to throw stones at one another, unaware of the dangerous chasm that separated us.”
What was the place Rose visited in her memory
The Beach
Who filed for a divorce?
What literary term is used in this quote?
“fate is shaped half by expectation, half by inattention”
What did Both Roses mother and Ted mother think of their relationship when they first started dating?
They opposed it
True or False. An-mei never got over the death of her son
What literary term is used in this quote?
“I saw we were standing in the hollow of a cove. It was like a giant bowl, cracked in half, the other half washed out to sea.”
Name at least three of the people Rose was supposed to watch.
Mathew, Bing, Mark, and Luke
What was the Father doing while at the beach (Hint: Something to do with fish)
What is the theme of the vignette Half and Half?
What did Roses mother lose as a result of Bings death?
Her faith in God
Why did both Mrs. Jordan and An-mei oppose the marriage?
Both Ted and Roses cultural differences
What did Roses mother, An Mei, used to carry around with her all the time and what does she do with it now?
Her leatherette Bible and she uses it as a way to prop up one of the stool legs on their table.
What are the two main words Rose uses to describe her meaning to the word fate
Inattention and expectation
What were the nine Dragons called?
The Nine Sons
Why did Ted want to divorce Rose?
He felt that rose was avoiding responsibility and blame/She was very dependent on him/Ted had to be the one to make all the decisions
Name at least one of the Dragons
Bixi, Qiuniu, Yazi, Chaofeng, Pulao, Chiwen, Bi'an, Suanni, and Fuxi
Where did Rose and Ted meet
UC Berkeley
How many siblings did Rose have?
What did Ted lose that ended up leading to the divorce?
Malpractice lawsuit
Why did Teds mother oppose Roses relationship with him?
She was worried he would be judged for being in a relationship with a "minority" in his future profession.
where did Rose and Ted get married?
Episcopal Church
Why did Rose take her eyes off of her brother?
An Mei (Roses mother) tells her to stop the fight between her brothers Luke and Mark
What did An-mei throw into the ocean as offerings to the Coiling Dragon?
sweetened tea and a ring
What does "nengkan" mean?
The ability to do whatever you put your mind to