The Bride
The Groom
The Couple
Wedding Facts
Weddings Throughout History

Tobi was an avid athlete for most of their life and played at the National and Junior Olympic level in this sport. 

What is Volleyball?


Jack was recently promoted to Project Engineer I at this company, which he has been interning at for the last year. 

What is Superior Construction?


Jack and Tobi celebrate the day that they met as their anniversary, which falls on this date. 

What is September 21st?


This month is the most popular month to get married, hosting about 10% of weddings annually. 

What is June?


Traditionally, groomsmen helped carry the bride to the wedding, and were supposed to protect the bride's "chastity". They were commonly known as this.

What are "Bride's Knights"?


Tobi has been in and out of college, but will be graduating from SNHU with a degree in this field.

What is Marketing?


During his first few years at FAU, Jack joined this fraternity, which is 1 of 3 nationally that is not named after the Greek alphabet. 

What is Triangle?


Jack and Tobi enjoy watching sports either in person or at home. Their favorite team to cheer for is this professional Florida team. 

Who are The Florida Panthers?


This city is the largest wedding destination in the US, with 114k weddings a year!

What is Las Vegas, NV?


English folklore maintains that if you find this type of bug in your wedding dress, it means good luck. 

What is a spider?


Tobi fronted a metal band for most of their music career, but they were actually taught to sing by a vocal coach for this type of music instead.

What is Opera?


Jack has an extra fold on this finger, which he considers his lucky finger!

What is his ring finger?


Jack and Tobi will be getting married on Halloween, which was previously known as this Celtic holiday. 

What is Samhain?


Zelmyra and Herbert Fischer broke the Guinness World Record for longest marriage, after being married for this many years. 

What is 84 years?


Historically, Mead was drank by the newlywed couple for the first month after marriage. This tradition has transformed over the years into what kind of celebration?

What is a Honeymoon?


Tobi originally wanted to name their cat Binx this name, which is a homage to their music career. 

What is Salem?


During his high school years, Jack played on his school's football team, representing this classic mascot. Someone in Tobi's family also had this mascot, but at a different school. 

What is the Bulldogs?


Jack and Tobi took their first major vacation together just before Covid, heading to this major US city for an anime convention. 

What is Washington D.C.?


This company is the largest diamond mining company in the world, who is responsible for 70% of all engagement rings globally!

What is De Beers?


This British Queen was a wedding trendsetter, as she popularized the White Gown and the usage of "Here Comes the Bride" for her own wedding. 

Who is Queen Victoria?


Tobi has a long history of being involved in musical theater. This show, which they played a major role in, was their favorite show to-date. Their sister Erin also starred in this show, but at a different theater. 

What is "Once Upon a Mattress"?


Jack is an avid fan of LITRPG novels and has completed over 100 different novels in that genre, with his favorite series, The Primal Hunter Series, being written by this author. 

Who is Zogarth?


Jack and Tobi like to enjoy a quiet night in, and will usually watch this TV show, which is not only their favorite but also their cats' favorite!

What is Smallville?


The most expensive wedding on record was between Sheik Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum's son to Princess Salama in Dubai, which cost about this much money. 

What is 44 million dollars?


"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" are traditional good luck items for the bride on her wedding day, however there is traditionally one more item a bride should never go without.

What is a sixpence in your shoe?
