What do children usually get when they trick-or-treat?
Candy!!!!! :)
What is a monster that comes from ancient Egypt?
A mummy!
What is he dressed up as?
He is dressed up as a skeleton.
What does spooky mean?
Spooky is another word for scary!
How long ago did the tradition of Halloween begin?
It began over 2,000 years ago!
When is Halloween?
31st of October
What is a monster that eats human brains?
A zombie!
What is she dressed up as?
She is dressed up as a witch!
What is a cobweb?
A cobweb is another way to say spider web!
In what form did the people believe the dead returned to Earth?
They believed that the dead returned to Earth as ghosts!
What do people usually put inside a jack-o´-lantern?
What mythical monster can breathe fire and is covered in scales?
A dragon!
What is he dressed up as?
He is dressed up as a devil!
What do you call sharp, pointy teeth like a vampire's?
They are called fangs!
Before trick-or-treating, what three things did people do to get food, wine, and money?
People would sing, recite poetry, and tell jokes!
What do vampires use as beds?
What do you call a one-eyed giant?
A cyclops!
I have fangs and a black cape. What am I dressed up as?
I am dressed as a vampire!
What is a potion?
People would throw eggs and toilet paper at houses!
What do you call a place where people are buried?
A graveyard/cemetary.
What monster with many heads could regrow a head if it was cut off?
The Hydra!
I am wrapped in bandages. What am I dressed as?
I am dressed as a mummy!
What is a hex or curse?
A hex or a curse is an evil spell!
What was the original name for Halloween?
It was called All Hallow's Eve!