The main Countries that Halloween originated from are...
Ireland, Scotland and England
The Celts wore masks when they left their homes on Halloween in order to...
convince ghosts that they were in fact also ghosts and would leave them alone.
The Barnbrack is a.......
Fruit Cake
If you hear the wail of a Banshee 3 times, what will happen?
someone in your family /household will die
The Celts celebrated 1st of November because...
It was their new year. The end of the harvest time
Trick or Treating began in....
Pumpkins carving was originally done with what vegetable...
The Caortannach had a large battle with ......
St Patrick.
The change from the end of summer to the start of winter represented...
life and death
Halloween became more about families and the neighbours in what century
the 19th Century
What plant do we put in water to predict our future health
Ivy leaf
The Caortannach is thought to be ________ by some people.
The Devils mother
The Catholic Church called the 31st of October to...
All Hallows Eve
After the British Church brought in "All souls Day", rich people would give poor people__________, they were made of________
Soul Cakes -- spices and raisins
Jack (Jack O' Lantern) was originally a__________ who tried to cheat________.
Blacksmith // The Devil
The Banshee sometimes teams up with the Dullahan (headless horseman) on a Carriage drawn by six black. They use a ________ to whip the horses
human spinal cord
The Celts called their festival..
Trick-or-treating was originally named_______________ and the tradition continued until _____
"Going a-souling" -- untill the 1930's
In the Barnbrack you may find a rag, a ring, and a coin. Each one represents......
Rag - a bad financial future
Ring - impending romance
Coin -- prosperous year
After Caortannach was defeated she left behind a swell of water called....
Hawk's Well