5 x 9 =
So that helps to solve.........
10 x 9 =
What is 45?
What is 90?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! For twice the points:
The United States is located on this continent
What is North America?
Identify this property of multiplication:
multiplying two factors by first breaking up one factor into two addends, then multiplying BOTH addends by the other factor and lastly adding both products together for your final answer
What is the distributive property of multiplication?
Mr. Mulryan has 36 cans. He has to make them into equal rows and columns. Identify 2 arrays he could create.
REMEMBER: They have to be two DIFFERENT arrays using DIFFERENT factors!
What is 4 x 9 (or 9 x 4)
6 x 6?
This is an example of a _____ by _____ array.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The total is ________.
What is a 6 by 3 array?
The total is 18?
2 x 9 =
What is 18?
This is the number of oceans in the the world
What is five oceans?
What is snarled?
Stephanie is planting tomato plants in the garden. She has 4 rows with 6 plants in each row. This is how many tomato plants she has in all
What is 24 tomato plants?
Finish the pattern:
100, 90, 80, 70, 60, _____.
What is 50?
3 x 8 =
6 x 8 =
What is 24?
What is 48
Fill in the blank:
There are __________ continents.
What are 7 continents?
I go and see my family every year at Christmas. We do it once a year. Another word for every year is _______________.
What is annual?
Fill in the blank:
Easton drew a 6 by 8 array.
Jae Min drew an 8 by 6 array.
Vincent said they both have the (same/not same) product.
What is the same product?
4 groups of 4 is ______.
What is 16?
5 x 5 =
What is 25?
These invisible lines go across the earth from north to south and cut the earth into east and west
What are lines of longitude?
This word means to be annoying or bothersome.
What is pesky?
Fronia has a sticker collection. She has 5 rows with 3 stickers in each row. This is how many stickers she has in all.
What is 15 stickers?
Finish the number pattern:
0, 3, 6, 9, _____.
What is 12?
5 x 6 =
What is 30?
This is the invisible line the line that cuts the earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
What is the equator?
When you are a person who has their own unique personality, it is called this.
What is individuality?
Kelsie is reading a book that has 8 chapters. Each chapter has 5 pages. This is how many pages the book has in all.
What is 40 pages?
0 x 9,456,371 = _______
What is 0?