This is what children say when they want candy on Halloween.
Trick or Treat
What do children collect in bags or buckets on Halloween night?
What do Filipinos visit to honor their loved ones during Halloween time?
This is the name of a carved pumpkin with a face.
What do people wear during Halloween to dress-up as characters?
What do Filipino families light during Undas (Halloween) to remember the dead?
A black animal often seen as spooky during Halloween.
black cat
What is the month and day of Halloween?
October 31st
When do Filipinos celebrate Halloween or the day they remember their loved ones who passed away?
November 1 and November 2
A scary house that people visit during Halloween.
Haunted house
What kind of fruit do people carve faces into for Halloween?
Which European country is the reason why many Filipinos celebrate Halloween?
A costume that looks like a white floating figure.
Which state had the famous "Salem Witch Trials"?
What adjective (starts with the letter 'c') is used to describe cemeteries in the Philippines during Halloween?