it's Halloween today, how many days until christmas
what is the most popular candy on halloween
if you were born on Halloween what's your zodiac sign
what have kids been known to do on Halloween as a prank
toliet paper a house
what year was Halloween (the movie) made
how many pounds of candy corn are produced every year
35 milli
does the average house give to one kid
3 pieces
The tradition of halloween originated with an ancient festival celebrated by this culture.
Irish, Celtic.
whats the most popular costume
What are the Sanderson sisters name in "Hocus Pocus"
who is Winifred, Sarah, And Mary
the word witch comes from the old English word, "wicce" which means
what is America's favourite candy
reeses cups
On Halloween what do Scottish women do to see their future husband
a bed sheet In front of a fire
in which state is it illegal to dress up like a nun or priest
what movie has a monster that kills you in your dreams
what is "Nightmare on Elm Street"
what state produces the most pumpkins
what decade did the fun size candy bar originate
which country enjoys a Halloween fruit cake known as "Barnback"
how much does the average person spend on a costume
what did Charlie Brown get from trick or treating
a rock
before pumpkins what made jack-o-lanterns
chicken feed
in the 16th century in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of man, what was the custom of going house-to -house in costume, reciting verses or songs in exchange for food called
mumming and guising
how much pieces of candy can a average pillowcase hold
what monster is a kid and kills you if you don't follow the rules