Skeleton takes over Christmas...
Nightmare Before Christmas
"In this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song" What is the song called that has those lyrics?
This is Halloween
What is the most played sport?
When was the Halloween first originated?
The 8th Century
How much money do americans spend on water bottles a year?
16 billion
What is the number one children's Halloween movie?
Hocus Pocus
"He did the monster mash" What song are those lyrics from?
Monster Mash
What is the most played sport in the USA?
What is the phobia called to have a intense fear on Halloween?
How much money did Americans spend on Halloween in 2019?
Who is Dracula's sidekick?
"You're all on your own and you lost all your friends you told your self that its not you its them"
Cry Baby
What is the most least played sport?
Where did pumpkins originate?
Central America
How much money is spent on Halloween candy in the US?
10.14 billion
What inspired john Carpender the character of Micheal Myers?
Creepy encounters at Western Kentucky University
"Its my party and I cry if I want to" What song are those lyrics from?
Pity Party
What is the most hard sport?
How many pounds of candy corn is made a year?
35 million pounds
How much do people spend on Halloween 2020?
10.14 billion
What was the hocus pocus gonna be originally named?
Halloween House
"All my troubles in a burning pile" What song is that from those lyrics?
Burning Pile
What is one of the most hard sports?
Where does candy corn come from?
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Where did jack o lanterns come from?
comes from the Irish legend of Stingy Jack