Buying over 20 million pounds, this candy is the most popular candy during Halloween
For this costume you usually need a dress, a tiara, and some fancy gloves and heels
What is a Princess
This monster is known for sucking humans blood and hate the sunlight
Many people carve scary faces into these each Halloween
Jack o Lantern
Are pumpkins considered a fruit or a vegetable?
What is a fruit
This candy comes in both Cups and Pieces, made out of chocolate and peanut butter
What is Reese's
This costume uses a pointy hat, a broom stick, and warts
A Witch
I am wrapped up in white cloth, and can be found under pyramids
What is a Mummy
Some people attend these places where people dress up in scary costumes and jump out and scare you
Although this candy is the most popular during halloween, it is also America's least favorite candy
What is Candy Corn
This candy is known for having jokes under the wrapper
What is Laffy Taffy
Peter Parker is the real name for this popular superhero and popular costume
Typically seen on a farm, this ride is pulled by a tractor and get to drive around
The world's heaviest pumpkin weighed this much in pounds
This candy is the best selling candy in the world totaling 2 Billion Dollars
What is Snickers
This costume is the most popular for pets
What is a Pumpkin
You become one of these dead monsters if you are bitten by one
What is a Zombie
Orange and Black are associated with Halloween, what do those two colors represent?
What is Autumn and Darkness
Before it was known as Candy Corn, this was its original name
What is Chicken Feed
What are the 5 original flavors of Skittles?
(I will accept colors too)
What is Strawberry, Lime, Lemon, Grape and Orange
Red, Green, Yellow, Purple, and Orange
Halloween masks became popular for this reason
To trick ghosts into thinking you were one of them
A mad scientist created this monster using different human parts from graveyards, and eventually learns the ways of human life
Who is Frankenstein
If this certain animal passes you by it is known for you to have bad luck after
What is A Black Cat
The night before Halloween is also known as what?
What is Mischief Night