What MLB team has the most championships?
What is the Yankees?
Breath me in, Breath me out, i don know if i could ever ______?
Go without.
Watermelon sugar
Who is the mayor of Halloweentown?
who is Kalabar?
Spiders have 8 legs and 8 ____?
What are eyes?
Who is Beyonce married to?
Who is Jay Z?
What college did Lebron James go to?
What is he did not attend college?
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with _____?
Forty eyes, girl
The three witches from Hocus Pokus are named...
who are Winifred, Mary, and Sarah?
What is a male which called?
What is a warlock?
Star who is engaged to Brad Pitt
Who is Angelina Jolie?
What hockey player has the most goals in his game career? (Double Jeopardy)
Who is Wayne Gretzky? Double Jeopardy!
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right. Little darling, it's been a long _______?
Cold lonely winter.
What sound does Jack's doorbell make in the movie The Night Before Christmas?
What is a scream?
How heavy is the heaviest pumpkin on record?
How much is 2,624 pounds?
In which state was the singer Chris Brown born in?
what is Virginia?
What NFL team hired the first cheerleaders in 1972?
Who are the Cowboys?
I'm gonna be the mane event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my ______?
I Just cant wait to be king.
by 2018, how many Halloween films had been made?
What is eleven?
What is the original purpose of a jack o' lantern?
To ward off evil spirits.
The voice of Dori in "Finding Nemo"
Who is Ellen DeGeneres?
Who was the first golfer ever to reach 1 million in winnings?
Who is Arnold Palmer?
I just found out, the only reason that you lovin' me
Was to _____?
Get back at your ex-lover.
Savage love
What year was the original Casper filmed?
When was 1995?
What famous magician died on Halloween, 1926?
Who is Harry Houdini?
Which rapper's album is called Finally Rich?
Chief Keef