Finish the quote: "I can't __ ___! What? ___!"
What is "I can't do dees! What? Dees!"
What dad says when something is perfect
DAILY DOUBLE: what is the goldilocks zone?
normal points for: textbook
The person who smashed in Madeleine's baby doll head
Who is Jacob?
The villain on the one and only episode of Bibleman we watched
Who is the Shadow of Doubt?
Who did we all have for a kindergarten teacher?
Mrs. Jordan
What Jacob called constipation as a child
What dad says when someone on the road doesn't drive as they should
What is "a gutless wonder"?
The person who dislocated Monet's arm
Who is Eden?
Finish the lyrics: if God is your father ___ __ ___ ___ _____, if you're one of the children of Adam and Eve
DOUBLE POINTS if you can name what this is from
what is "and if you can breathe"?
what is scripture scouts?
What Mom wanted to name her first born child
What is Brandy Fresca?
The song Christian made up as a child
What is I'm a mango?
Dad's favorite dishes related punishment
what is double your age?
The person who drew on the walls of the upstairs in Tennessee
Who is Madeleine?
Which Crayola Kids Adventures is "Rules Rules Wonderful Rules" from?
Gulliver's Travels
Where Dad went to high school
What is Hart High?
The person who said "and that's my greatest point!"
Who is Madeleine?
Dad said this when dropping the kids off to school
What is "get aaaaht o heeeeere"?
the person who got their finger stuck in a toy gun while naked as a child
Who is Christian?
What are words to the bridge of Glory of Love by Peter Cetera?
"It's like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time, I will save the day
Take you to my castle far away"
Where Mom went to high school
What is Del Oro High?
Three things Christian listed on his for video for Monet
What are candy, shirts, and starbursts?
What dad sings when he's in the dumps
What is "Not in Nottingham" from Robin Hood?
Who is Mom?
We had a CD of this musical artist that Jacob was OBSESSED with. What was that musical artist?
Who is Kelly Clarkson?
The hymn we had to sing ALL THE TIME
What is "love at home?"