Name two items we use in the curing process.
1) Ham Sock, 2) Ham Hook, 3) Butcher Paper, 4) Ham Cure
What was the first year that Pulaski participated in the Country Ham Project?
What is a gilt?
What city is the Kentucky State Fair held?
Louisville Kentucky
What month does the 4-H Country ham project begin in?
Name at least two ingredients in our ham cure.
1) Salt, 2) Brown sugar, 3) Nitrate, 4) Red Pepper
Which two organizations did Kentucky Pork Producers team up with to help preserve the Country Ham tradition?
University of Kentucky and Kentucky 4-H
Male intact pig (not castrated)
What is a boar?
How many hours of education do you need to complete the country ham project?
6 hours
Name two breeds of pig we discussed during our breeds lesson.
Chester White, Landrace, Tamworth, Yorkshire, Berkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, Hereford, Pietrain, Poland China, Spotted
The two methods of curing a ham.
Smoking and Salt Curing
What year did Pulaski 4-H have their first ham sale?
A female pig that has farrowed (given birth)
What is a sow?
What day is Ham Day at the State Fair?
August 15th
Name two examples of careers we discussed in the pork industry.
Human Resources, Accounting, Environment, Nutrition/Animal Health, Purchasing/Facilities Management, Vet, Meat Science, Production/Management, Logistics, Marketing/Communications
What part of the ham is prone to spoiling and extra care has to be taken to pack the area with cure?
The Ham Hock
When did the 4-H Country Ham Project begin?
The late 1990's
Male pig that has been castrated
How long should your state fair speech be?
3-5 minutes
Name at least one way we combat warmer temperatures as we cure hams.
1) Foam insulation, 2) Air Conditioning, 3) CoolBot
What is a green ham?
How the meats industry describes an uncured ham
When did the country ham industry peak?
The process of removing the old butcher paper, 'cleaning' the hams, and re-socking them.
What is shucking?
Over 1000 youth
Internal ______ is exchanged for exterior ______ during the curing process.
Internal water exchanged for exterior salt.