What historical event does Hamilton take place in?
The American Revolution
What is the name of the song where America wins the war?
Who is the main character?
Who wrote the script of Hamilton?
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Where did Angelica and Hamilton first meet?
Philip Schuyler's Winter Ball
Who sings "You'll be Back", "I Know Him", and "What Comes Next"?
The King George of England (Jonathan Groff)
Which Schuyler sister does Hamilton marry?
Eliza Schuyler
Who wrote the music of Hamilton?
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Name one of the things that Hamilton wrote/published.
Reynolds Pamphlet, Federalist Papers, Compromise of 1790, or Washington's farewell speech
What is Angelica looking for in 'The Schyler Sisters'?
She's looking for a mind at work.
Who was the embassator to France, and also the third president of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
When did Hamilton premiere?
February 17, 2015
Why does Aaron Burr want to kill Hamilton?
Because Hamilton didn't endorse him as President. Aaron Burr said that Hamilton had been standing in his way for too long, so Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel.
What motif is repeated over and over again in Hamilton?
I'm not throwing away my shot
Name one of Hamilton's friends's full names.
John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, or Hercules Mulligan
Where did Hamilton premiere?
The Public Theatre in Lower Manhattan
What series of essays did Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison collaborate on? (double points if you can say how many each person wrote)
The Federalist Papers
(Hamilton wrote 51 essays out of the 85, John Jay wrote 5, and James Madison wrote 29)
Who arranged the meal and seating in 'The Room Where It Happens'?
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
How many people funded Hamilton the Musical? (Double points if you can say what percentage of the profits that the investors split)
A group of roughly 100 people.
42% of the profits