Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lin-Manuel Miranda  
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
"I imagine death so much it feels like a memory. Is this where it gets me, on my feet the enmiy ahead of me. If this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me." (Extra points if you can guess both names.)

What is Battle of Yorktown (The world turned upside down.)

"After a week of fighting, a young man stands on a parapet. We low our guns as he......." (double points if you can guess the sentence after the answer. Triple if you can guess the next 2 sentences.)
"Franticly waves the white handkerchief. And just like that it's over, we tend to our wounded, we count our dead. Black and white soldiers wonder alike it this means freedom. Not yet."
What is Lin's sons name?

Say the Lyric and Answer the question.

Alexander was buried in Trinity Church. Were was Angelica buried?

Hint: Who Lives Who Dies Who tells your Story

"She was buried in Trinity Church near you." 

Angelica was buried in Trinity Church

Phillipa Soo 
Who is Eliza Schuyler Hamilton?
"I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love."
What is You'll Be Back?
"Oceans rise, empires fall......"
"We have seen each other trough it all. And when push comes to shove, I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love."
What is Lin's wife's name?

Say the Lyric and Answer the question.

What was Eliza most proud of in her lifetime?

Hint: Who Lives Who Dies Who tells your Story.

The orphanage.

"I established the first private orphanage in New York City."

Daveed Diggs
Who is Thomas Jefferson and Marquis De Lafayette?
"I remember that night I just might regret that night for the rest of my days. I remember them soldier boys trippin' over themselves to win our praise, but Alexander, I'll never forget the time I saw your face."
What is Satisfied?
"Number 1"
"I'm a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich. My father has no sons so I'm the one who has to social climb for one, cause I'm the oldest, and the wittiest, and the gossip in new York city is insidious."
How long did it take Lin to write the Hamilton Musical?
6 years

Say the Lyric and Answer the question.

Why did Philip die?

Hint: Blow us all away

He wanted to defend his father's honor.

"Ya’ shoulda watched your mouth before you  Talked about my father though!"

Renee Elise Goldsberry 
Who is Angelica Schuyler?

"I know that Alexander Hamilton is here  And he would rather not have this debate  I'll remind you that he is not Secretary of State. He knows nothing of loyalty, Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty."

What is Cabinet Battle #2?
"You pulished the letters she wrote you. You told the whole world how you brought this girl into our bed, in clearing you name, you have ruined our lives..."
"Do you know what Angelica said when she heard what you've done. She said "You've married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun."
How long did it take Lin to write "My Shot"?
1 year

Say the Lyric and Answer the question.

How did Philip Die?

Hint: Blow us all away

He got into a dual with a Mr. George Eacker.

"I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true  Your father’s a scoundrel, and so, it seems, are you. See you on the dueling ground  That is, unless you wanna step outside and go now"

Anthony Ramos
Who is John Laurens and Philip Hamilton?
"She buried in trinity church near you, when you needed her most she was right on time."
What is Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?
"The world has no right to my heart, the world has not right in our bed, they don't get to know what I said...."
"I'm burning the letters, burning the letters that might have redeemed you, your forfeit your right to my heart, you forfeit your place in our bed, you'll sleep in your office instead."
What song from Moana did Lin make a cover to with Jorden Fisher?
What is "You're Welcome"?

Answer the question.

Why did Hamilton stay home the summer he had the affair?

Hint: Take A Break.

What is He had to get his plan through to congress or he could lose his job.
