A Little Bit of This...A little Bit of That
Plot Points
The Tragedies

Hamlet's madness is compared to this

 a tumultuous sea


How does Hamlet escape from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

What is boards a pirate ship?


Identify Hamlet's tragic flaw

What is Hamlet's tragic flaw is his indecision and inability to act swiftly, which leads to the tragic outcomes in the play.


Who becomes king of Denmark after Hamlet's death?

Who is Fortinbras?


What happens to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

What is ...

They are executed in England.


This is the country where most of the action takes place

What is Denmark?


According to the burial rules, Ophelia should not have a Christian burial because

What is it was believed that she committed suicide and was believed to have not been a virgin.


Identify 3 characteristics of a Shakespearean tragedy

There is a tragic hero 

The hero is usually a male with a high rank or position in society 

The hero will have a flaw in their character.

The hero will have external and internal conflicts

There will be elements of the supernatural such as witches or ghosts

The character will have an epiphany, but it will be too late.

You will feel catharsis

The hero will die

The hero will have a reversal of fortune


What reasons does Claudius give for not punishing Hamlet after Polonius' murder?

What is...

 the people love him too much and Gertrude loves Hamlet a lot as well.


The purpose of the major soliloquy in Act 4 is to

What is...

 allow the audience to access Hamlet's innermost thoughts and emotions directly, especially as it pertains to action and inaction.


When Hamlet sees Fortinbras, he reflects on 

A. the nature of honor

B the necessity of taking action

C. his own inaction

D. All of above

What is 

D. All of above


 How does Hamlet react upon learning of Ophelia's death?

What is Hamlet is devastated and expresses his grief passionately, recognizing the depth of his love for Ophelia.


Identify all the major characters that die in Act 4 and 5.

What is

Ophelia    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern






This person joins Claudius to avenge the death of a loved one as says that he would even kill Hamlet in church.

Who is Laertes?


Shakespeare makes a criticism of the upper class of society in ACT 4.  His problem with them is..

They appear to be allowed to do things and get away with actions that people who are not privileged do not.


A young courtier named Osric enters and greets Hamlet. Osric says he has a message for Hamlet from the king. This message moves the plot forward because...

What is...

Osric tells Hamlet that Claudius has bet on Hamlet in a fencing match against Laertes. Osric asks if Hamlet accepts the terms of the bet and will agree to a duel. Hamlet says he will duel with Laertes and Osric runs off to give Claudius the news.


Hamlet finally avenges his father's death when he...

What is...

 Claudius is killed by Hamlet, who forces him to drink t poisoned wine and then stabs him with the poisoned sword.


 Explain how Hamlet's tragic flaw leads to his downfall.

What is...

His indecisiveness prevents him from taking action, resulting in the deaths of himself and others?


When Horatio picks up the poisoned cup of wine, seemingly desiring to die and follow Hamlet, his righthand man, Hamlet...

What is Hamlet takes the cup from Horatio, urging him to live on, tell Hamlet’s tale, and exonerate him to the world.


Fortinbras orders four of his captains to carry Hamlet’s body to a viewing platform.  Once he is there, he says this about Hamlet.

What is "the prince would have made a great king"?


Hamlet's perspective shifts from this to this.

What is...

Hamlet’s perspective moves from a place of just contemplating revenge to an active desire to confront Claudius and actually avenge the murder of his father.


What epiphany (sudden realization) does Hamlet have during these acts?

He realizes that he should have been much more like people such as Laertes and Fortinbras and avenge his father's death quickly, without hesitation.


These answers describe the role poison plays in the climax of the play.


Hamlet and Laertes are stabbed by a sword dipped in poison

Hamlet forces Claudius to drink the poisonous wine that was meant for Hamlet to drink during the duel.

Gertrude accidentally drinks the poison meant for Hamlet.


The only character from Denmark who is still alive at the end of the play is...

Who is Horatio?


One night, while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern slept, Hamlet sneaks into their cabin and steals the papers they were carrying. When he opens the letters, he learns that ....

What is...

 Claudius was trying to order Hamlet's execution. Hamlet tells Horatio that he found this out and wrote a new letter, copying Claudius' handwriting and ordered the execution of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern instead.
