Murdered by Hamlet
Who is Polonius?
What is a heavy cloth with a woven picture or design
Daughter of Polonuis
Who is Opheila
This is what Hamlet decides to do after watching Claudius's reaction to the play
What is confirms Claudius’s guilt and plans his revenge ?
This is the Name of the play Hamlet has performed
What is The Murder of Gonzago or The Mousetrap?
This is what Hamlet accuses his Mother Gertrude of
What is marrying Cladius too soon after King Hamlet's death?
What is a relationship between close relatives that is morally or legally wrong.
Mother of Hamlet
Who is Gertrude
This prevents Hamlet from killing Claudius when he has the chance?
what is Claudius praying and Hamlet fears it will send him to heaven
This is the purpose of The Murder of Gonzago
What is to reveal Claudius’s guilt ?
This is what Hamlet tells Gertrude to do to redeem herself
What is to avoid Claudius's bed ?
What is a building or group of buildings in which nuns live as a religious community?
Prevents war with Norway
Who is Cladius ?
This is how Hamlet treat Ophelia how during the play
What is mocking and double meaning?
This is Claudius's reaction to the play
What is He stands up and leaves abruptly?
This is how Getrude reacts after Hamlets play The Gonzago
What is shocked and confused and unsure?
what is To test or analyze something?
This person is supposed to obseve this Cladius in the play
who is Hartio
This is what Hamlet does with Polonius’s body after killing him
what is hides it and refuses to tell Claudius where it is?
This is the Name of the play Hamlet has performed
What is The Murder of Gonzago or The Mousetrap?
This is what the ghost reminds Hamlet to do during his confrontation with Gertrude
What is to Seek revenge on Claudus and not his mother ?
What is Something bitter or grievous?
These Indiviuals will take Hamlet to England
who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
This is what Hamlet forces Gertrude to look at during their confrontation
What is the picture of 2 brothers?
This is how Hamlet tells the Actors to act during there performance
What is to act naturally and not overdo their roles?