What are the two primary reasons Hamlet is upset at the beginning of the play?
Hamlet is upset that his father is dead and his mother married his uncle.
How does Claudius respond to Hamlet's grief?
He tells Hamlet to get over it and accept Claudius as his new dad.
What is young Fortinbras' goal at the beginning of the play?
He is trying to take back the land his father lost.
Ophelia agrees to "obey" Polonius. What does this mean?
This means she will ignore Hamlet's advances.
What is the central dilemma of the "To Be or Not To Be" soliloquy, and what does this tell us about Hamlet's state of mind?
Hamlet is trying to decide if it is better to live or kill himself, and he is clearly is a bad state of mind as he is grappling with his grief and anger.
What arrangement does Hamlet make with the First Player?
Hamlet will write extra lines for the play that mimic the real murder of his father.
What are two pieces of advice Polonius gives to Laertes?
Possible Answers: Be true to yourself, be careful with spending your money, do not lend money, listen to many and speak to few, and think before you act, etc.
What insult does Hamlet give Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and what does this insult mean?
Hamlet calls them sponges, meaning they "soak up" information for Claudius, only for him to wring them dry.
What are the two meanings of the word "nunnery," as used by Hamlet to Ophelia?
Nunnery can mean a brothel or a convent.
Explain one example of dramatic irony from the play.
Possible answers: The audience knowing Claudius killed Hamlet Sr. when the characters do not, the audience knowing Polonius is behind the tapestry when Hamlet does not, the audience knowing Polonius and Claudius are spying when Hamlet does not, etc.
What is Hamlet's plan to see if Claudius is truly guilty of Hamlet Sr.'s murder?
Hamlet will have the player reenact the murder scene and he will watch Claudius' reaction.
How does Polonius plan to "test" the reason for Hamlet's madness?
Polonius and Claudius will observe Hamlet speaking to Ophelia to see if he is lovesick for her.
What are the fates of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
Hamlet replaces his name with theirs on the death warrant being sent to England, resulting with the two men being executed.
What happens to Ophelia following Polonius' death, and how does she express her feelings?
Ophelia seems to go mad after Polonius' death and expresses herself in song.
What does Shakespeare's portrayal of Gertrude and Ophelia tell us about his view of women?
Ophelia and Gertrude are both perceived as weak characters and must be tied to men to have any power. Hamlet treats both of these characters poorly, highlighting Shakespeare's negative view of them.
Why does Hamlet jump in Ophelia's grave? Hint: there are two reasons.
Outwardly, Hamlet wanted to show his love and grief for Ophelia. Inwardly, Hamlet wanted to prove he was more upset and heartbroken than Laertes.
Why does Hamlet not kill Claudius while he is praying?
Hamlet does not want Claudius to go to heaven, and he believed Claudius was being forgiven for his sins while he was praying.
What are the two possible plans Claudius and Laertes come up with to kill Hamlet?
Either Laertes will kill him with a poison-dipped sword during a duel, or Claudius will make sure Hamlet has poison in his drink.
Describe how Ophelia dies.
She drowns in the river in her heavy white dress, surrounded by flowers, and it is believed to be a suicide.
How does Horatio influence Hamlet throughout the play?
Horatio's unwavering loyalty to Hamlet showcases how strong their bond is. Horatio does his best to keep Hamlet grounded and reasonable throughout the play.
Which deaths are Hamlet directly responsible for (he personally killed them) and how did he kill each one?
Hamlet is responsible for the death Polonius by stabbing, Laertes by stabbing with a poisoned sword, and Claudius by stabbing him and forcing him to drink poison.
What two reasons does Claudius have for not publicly arresting Hamlet?
Gertrude loves Hamlet too much and Hamlet is adored by the people of Denmark.
What is the fate of Fortinbras at the end of Act 5?
Fortinbras has been recommended for the throne by Hamlet, and he chooses to celebrate Hamlet's life.
Why does the priest not want to give Ophelia a Christian burial?
The priest believes Ophelia may have committed suicide, thereby committing a sin and not going to heaven.
What statement does the play make about love OR revenge?
Love is fragile and often leads to heartbreak and sorrow.
Revenge will ultimately lead to the downfall of the person seeking it.