This is Mrs. Hammond's son's first name.
What is Chaucer?
What is Cheesecake?
Year Born
What is 1985?
You do this with a pen or pencil.
This is how many brothers Mrs. Hammond has.
What is 5?
This is Mrs. Hammond's Daughter's Name.
What is Charlotte?
Candy Bar
What is Almond Joy?
Year Graduated High School
What is 2003?
Never do this when she is talking.
What is talk?
Mrs. Hammond's in-laws live in this town.
What is Rock Springs?
This is Mrs. Hammond's Husband's Name.
What is Chicken Alfredo?
Charlotte's Birth Year
What is 2022?
Stay out of this or she'll be mad!
What is the Teacher Zone?
Mrs. Hammond loves to vacation to this location.
What is the beach?
This is the grade the Chaucer is in.
What is Kindergarten?
Pastel pink/green/blue
Chaucer's Birth Year
What is 2018?
Your gum should never go here.
What is the trash can by her desk?
Mrs. Hammond's in-laws own this eatery.
What is Cowboy Donuts?
The amount of years between Chaucer and Charlotte.
What is 4 years?
Diet Dr. Pepper
Wedding Year
What is tip them back?
Mrs. Hammond prefers her room to be this temperature.
What is cold? Or anything 65 and under.