What is the function/function’s of the lumbricals of the hand?
Ip extension MCP flexion
Name all of the superficial anterior compartment of the forearm.
Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris.
What are the proximal and distal articulations at the radio carpal joint?
Proximal: TFCC, distal radius
Distal: Scaphoid, lunate, Triquetrum
What ligament holds the lunate and the scaphoid together?
Lunotriquetral ligament
Through what mechanism does the flexor tendon of the hand receive nutrition?
Through contraction of the hand via the vascularity of the vincula tendina.
The Palmar Interossei adduct every phalange EXCEPT?
The III digit
What muscles make up the first second and third extensor compartments?
First: Abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis,
Second: extensor radialis longus, extensor radialis brevis,
Third: extensor pollicis longus
list the digits at the CMC joints from least to most mobile and explain why?
in order to assist with gripping
Name all of the components of the TFCC?
Dorsal and palmar radioulnar ligaments, Meniscus homolog, central articular disc, ulnar collateral ligament
What would happen to the motion at the wrist with a positive ulnar variance?
An increase in Pronation and ulnar deviation
Which intrinsic muscle is responsible for flexing the thumb and assisting in opposition?
Flexor pollicis brevis
What muscles cross at listers tubercle?
extensor carpi radialis longus / brevis
extensor pollicis longus
Ip joints are what type joint?
Hinge joints
T or F?
The palmar ligaments of the hand are most taught in extension.
True or false
Axial load of the wrist would be considered as muscle contraction of the hand or weight bearing on hands.
both motions cause change to the intercalated disk articulation of the proximal row of the wrist.
Name all of the intrinsic muscles of the thumb and their actions.
Flexor pollicis brevis = flex and assists in opposition
Abductor pollicis Brevis =abduct and assist in opposition
Adductor pollicis= Adduct and assist in flexion
oppenens pollicis = opposition
What are the muscles that make up the 4th 5th and 6th compartment?
4th: extensor digitorum extensor indicis
5th: extensor digiti minimi
6th: extensor carpi ulnaris
In order to improve PRUJ supination, what type of glide would you perform?
Anterior glide
Name all the ligament of the MCP joint.
RCL, UCL, transverse metacarpal ligament, saggital band.
If there are no intrinsic muscles on the dorsal aspect of the hand, how do the phalanges extend?
Through the extensor mechanism
T/F Abductor, opponens, flexor, digiti minimi insert into the radial surface of the fifth digit
F= ulnar surface
What are the innervations of:
Flexors: median except flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digitorum profoundus
Extensors: radial nerve
To perform radial deviation the the proximal row of the carpals have to glide ____
If the scapholunate interosseous ligament was torn what would happen with the articulations of the carpal bones?
scaphoid flexion, lunate and triquetrum extension
Name the components of the distal transverse arch and describe how function would be affected if that arch was compromised?
Trapezoid, hamate, capitate, trapezium
Transverse carpal ligament and intercarpal ligament
intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (maintains arches)
Would not be able to form palm around objects while grasping.