Distal end of the radius
Radial styloid process
Name/describe an MOI for dislocated finger
what are 2 observable signs of a boxer's fracture
overlap of fingers, depressed knuckles, swelling, ecchymosis
3 bones that make up the shoulder
Humerus, clavicle, and scapula
What are the 2 muscle bundles on the palm of the hand called
thenar and hypothenar eminences
Injury to the medial collateral ligament of the thumb
Gamekeeper's or skier's thumb
What is one test you can perform if you suspect a phalangeal fracture (non-deformed/displaced)
Tap test
Muscle group that flexes the knee
The wrist flexor tendons attach on this surface of the wrist
Anterior or palmar side
name/describe a MOI for radial or ulnar fracture
falling on an out stretched hand (FOOSH)
Carpal bone located in the anatomical snuff box
Spina bifida is caused by lack of ________ when the mother is pregnant
What are the 3 ligaments of the wrist
radial collateral, ulnar collateral and transverse carpal
What does Phalen test assess for
carpal tunnel syndrome
What are the 4 ROM of the wrist you would look for during evaluation
flexion, extension, ulnar/radial deviation
What does thompson test assess for (hint: lower leg)
achilles strain/rupture
Name all the carpal bones starting with the scaphoid
Scaphoid, lunate, triqutrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapizoid, trapezium
What is De Quervain's and how can you test for it
inflammation of the thumb extensors, and Finklestien's
What would jersey finger look like
inability to flex DIP, stuck in extension
What does a positive piano key test mean
AC joint sprain/dislocation