What are soiled hands?
Hands that are contaminated with bacteria
Name two different ways to perform hand hygiene.
Using soap and water or ABHR
Name three things needed to perform the task of cleaning hands with soap and water.
Soap, water, and paper towel.
When should people use ABHR?
When hands are not visibly soiled.
How long must you wash your hands according to BC CDC?
At least 20 seconds, sing happy birthday twice
Can hands look clean but be soiled?
What is the gold standard for hand hygiene among healthcare workers?
Using ABHR
(*Why? Because it contains emollients and is less harsh on the skin)
What temperature of water should be used?
Warm water
What two things do you need to perform the task of using ABHR?
Hand sanitizer and your hands
Explain the proper way to cough/sneeze.
Into your elbow/upper arm area OR into a tissue and immediately wash your hands after
What are visibly soiled hands?
Hands that are contaminated with dirt, blood, or body fluids
What can clean hands help prevent?
The spread of germs
What is the last task to be done when washing with soap and water?
Turning off facets using paper towel.
How long should you rub hands together when using hand sanitizer?
20 seconds
What is your number one defense to prevent yourself from getting COVID -19?
Performing proper hand hygiene
If you are wearing gloves and they are soiled with body fluid, is it important to clean your hands after removing the gloves?
What is the single most effective way to prevent illness?
Good hand hygiene
How far up your arm should you wash with soap and water?
To the wrist.
What does ABHR stand for?
Alcohol based hand rub.
What are 2 ways COVID-19 can be transmitted?
Through direct-contact with people who are sick, touching surfaces where the virus is at, touching those infected surfaces and then touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
What method of hand hygiene should be used for visibly soiled hands?
Washing hands with soap and water
What are the 4 moments healthcare workers should clean their hands?
Before patient/ patient environment contact, before aseptic procedure, after blood/body fluid exposure, after patient/patient environment contact
What should you do if hands feel irritated from performing hand hygiene?
Call workplace health/ apply lotion
What is the minimum percentage of alcohol required in ABHR in a healthcare setting?
List one reliable source where you can get information on COVID-19
The BC Center for Disease Control (BC CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), HealthLink BC