The Basics
Hand hygiene with care of patients with C. diff
Hand Hygiene Data

At NYP, these are the 2 main ways to perform hand hygiene.

What are handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer?


At NYP, patients with C. diff are isolated using this transmission-based precautions category.

What is Specialplus Contact Precautions?


NYP Hand hygiene data is available on this NYP internet information resource.

What is the Infonet?


At NYP, artificial fingernails, extenders, and enhancements are prohibited for HCP who have direct contact with these individuals for whom they are providing care.

What are patients?


A healthcare worker should always perform hand hygiene before and after donning this form of barrier protection for their hands. This item is never a substitute for hand hygiene.

What are gloves?


Per NYP policy, after washing hands with soap and water, one should dry their hands and turn off the faucet with this item.

What is a paper towel?


At NYP, before exiting the room of a patient with C. diff, it is recommended that you perform hand hygiene with this antimicrobial agent.

What is CHG soap?


This is how often NYP IP&C publishes Hand Hygiene data on campus-specific HAI Scorecards.

What is monthly?


Per NYP policy, this is not considered an enhancement and may be worn as long as it's not chipped or peeling from the nail bed.  

What is fingernail polish?


Handwashing should be performed, instead of using hand sanitizer, before performing this activity for nutrient consumption.

What is eating?


After applying hand sanitizer, for hand hygiene to be effective, one should continue to rub hands together until this happens.

What is until their hands are dry?


After care of patients on Specialplus Contact Precautions, this is the location where hand hygiene should occur. (Specify in your answer if this location is inside or outside of the patient's room).

What is the sink inside the patient's room?


At NYP, hand hygiene compliance is assessed through direct observations performed by these members of the IP&C team.

Who are the Infection Prevention Liaisons?


At NYP, artificial fingernails, extenders, and enhancements are prohibited for HCP who work in this department where re-usable surgical instruments are reprocessed.

What is CSPD?


Environmental surfaces and medical equipment can be contaminated with MDROs. To prevent transmission of MDROs, hand hygiene should be performed before entry to the patient’s room. MDRO is the acronym for this type of microorganism.

What is a Multidrug Resistant Organism?


This is the main active ingredient in the hand sanitizer used at NYP.

What is alcohol?


At NYP, this is the percent concentration of CHG soap used for hand hygiene performed before exiting the room of a patient with C. diff.

What is 2%?


This is NYP’s hospital-wide hand hygiene percentage compliance goal.

What is 98%?


At NYP, artificial fingernails, extenders, and enhancements are prohibited for HCP who perform this level of disinfection.

What is high-level disinfection?


This year so far, across the NYP enterprise, 28% of CLABSIs were associated with S. epidermidis or S. haemolyticus which are these kinds of organisms found on skin, prompting a focus on hand hygiene prior to central line access.

What are common skin commensals?


Per NYP policy, when washing hands with soap and water, one should wet their hands thoroughly with water, apply soap to the palm of one hand, and then rub their hands together, creating friction for at least this many seconds, thoroughly covering all areas.

What is 15 seconds?


Hand sanitizer is not recommended after the care of a patient with C. diff because it is not effective against this inactive form of C. diff bacteria.

What is a spore?


As the NYP hand hygiene program has progressed over time and the infection prevention liaisons have become increasingly recognized on the units, concern has developed that this effect (i.e., subjects performing better when they know they are being observed) was taking place.

What is the Hawthorne Effect?


At NYP, for HCP with direct patient contact, central sterile processing staff, and those who perform high-level disinfection (HLD), natural fingernail tips must be less than this length.

What is 1/4 of an inch?


This is the infection control policy number for the NYP hand hygiene policy in patient care areas.

What is IC 200?
