What do you wash your hands with?
Soap and Water
How do you wash your hands?
Lather your hands both front and back, between your fingers, and under your nails with soap.
Why should you wash your hands?
To stop the spread of germs
You should wash your hands before eating? True or False?
When should you wash your hands?
After touching things, coughing, before eating, after blowing your nose, after using the restroom
Who can get sick if you don't wash your hands?
You, Your Family, and Friends
What do you do after you use soap?
Rinse it off.
Should you wash your hands everyday?
It is okay to wash your hands with just water. True or False?
How are germs spread?
From person to person, or surface to people.
How do you dry your hands?
Use a clean towel, or air dry.
Can you eat after petting an animal, without washing your hands first?
No you can not
What can you use instead of soap and water?
Hand sanitizer
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds
No, you should wash with soap and water
What can happen if you don't wash your hands?
Spread germs, get sick
Why should you use a paper towel to turn faucet off?
To keep from getting germs on your hands that were on the faucet
You do not have to wash your hands if you do not see dirt on them. True or False?
How long should you rub your hands together when using hand sanitizer?
Until its Dry