What does hand washing do?
Gets rid of germs
What two things do you need to wash your hands?
Soap and warm water
What should you do with your hands after you wash them?
Dry them
What song should you sing while washing your hands?
Happy Birthday or ABCs
What should you do if there is no soap available?
Use hand sanitizer
What is the best way to sneeze?
Into your elbow covering your nose and mouth
What are four examples of when you should wash your hands?
After going to the bathroom, before eating, before cooking, after touching an animal, after touching money, after coughing or sneezing
What are two places that are often forgotten about during hand washing?
In between your finger and under your nails
How many people in the United States do not wash their hands?
1 in 5
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds