How many bones are in the wrist?
What type of joint is the elbow?
Synoval Hinge Joint
What injury is caused by overuse?
UCL Tear
What is the special test for the UCL Tear?
Valgus stress test
Name the bones in the elbow.
Humerus, Radius, Ulna
What motions can the wrist perform?
Flexion, Extension, Abduction & Adduction.
What injury do you have when the bone in your finger is piercing out?
PIP Dislocation
What position do you have to be in for the Elbow Flexion Test?
In a seated position with your elbow flexed and hands facing upwards.
How many bones are in the elbow?
What does that Abductor Pollicis Brevis do?
Responsible for abduction and opposition of the thumb.
What does UCL mean?
Ulnar Collateral Tear
What does the Cozen's Test identify?
Tennis elbow
How many bones are in the hand?
The Flexor Carpi Ulnaris...
Assists in wrist flexion and adduction.
Which wrist injury accounts for 15% of the total wrist injuries?
Schaphoid Fracture
Mill's Test is designed to diagnose...
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow.
Where is the scaphoid located?
On the thumb side of the wrist above the radius
The Extensor Digitorum does what?
Extends the fingers.
Lateral epicondylitis is characterized by...
Pain on the outer elbow due to overuse of forearm muscles.
The scaphoid compression test assesses...
The dynamic stability of the scaphoid and helps diagnose scapholunate interosseous ligament instability (SLIL).