
Presenting either the language or the ideas of another as one’s own is _______


(BINS Handbook, pg. 31)


Who must be notified of a school absence?

The Registrar

(BISV Guidebook; pg. 11)


True or False:
The school is responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen devices.


The school is NOT responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen devices. 

Please take good care of your valuables or keep your items at home!

(BINS Guidebook, pg. 24)


What outlines student expectations? 

Code of Conduct 
Each member of the school community is expected to accept responsibility for their actions and to take responsibility for the good reputation of the school at all times, both on and off campus.
(BINS Handbook, pg. 27) 


What information can be found in the BINS Handbook and BISV Upper Guidebook?

School policies and guidelines


Taking ownership of one’s own work and crediting the work of others is

Academic Integrity

(BINS Handbook, pg. 31)


Parents must notify the registrar as soon as they are aware of a student’s absence but no later than what time of the day?

10:00 AM

(BISV Guidebook, pg. 12)   


What devices must be turned off and stored in lockers during the entire day, including passing periods?

ALL Electronic Devices

Including cell phones, air pods, tablets, etc. are to be turned off and stored in your locker unless used for approved academic purposes in class.
(BISV Guidebook, pg. 24)


True or False:
Student can be held responsible for their off-campus behavior. 

The School reserves the right to discipline students for off-campus behavior at school-sponsored or school-related events and for off-campus behavior that is not at a school-sponsored or school-related event if it disrupts the school learning environment or otherwise impacts school life, as determined by the school in its sole discretion.
(BINS Handbook, pg. 27) 


True or False:
Backpacks are not allowed in the classroom. 

Backpacks are not allowed in the classroom. Students should store all materials in their locker. Any needed material can be carried to class in a zippered binder (such as a Case-It) or small tote bag.

(BISV Guidebook, pg. 20)


Who is the first point of contact when parents or students need to communicate about academic issues?

The course teacher

Any other issues related to general academic performance or a a student’s well-being should be addressed to the student’s dean.

(BINS Handbook, pg. 6)


How many excused absences per trimester are students allowed without penalty?

6 Days

Students are allowed up to 6 days of excused absences per trimester without penalty. 

Students will be expected to make up all required classwork according to their teachers’ policies in order to receive credit
(BISV Guidebook, pg. 12)



Where during school hours may you contact your parents?

Front office or with permission in the presence of a staff member.
For purposes of contacting parents for coordinating transportation, cell phones may be used in the front office or with permission in the presence of a staff member. 

Students are also welcome to use phones located in the Dean, Director, or front offices to call parents about transportation adjustments.
(BINS Guidebook, pg. 24)


Name one behavior that violates our school’s general rules.

Please refer to the list of general rules in the BINS Handbook (pp. 28-30)  


True or False:
Parents may drop off school lunch or schoolwork for students. 

Parents may NOT drop off lunch or schoolwork for students. The Front Office will not accept any items dropped off for a student. 

(BISV Guidebook, pg. 26) 


What is the primary method of communication, through grade 8, between parents, teachers, and staff with regard to a student’s academic performance or classroom behavior?

The CJ

Students must bring the CJ to class, every day. Students are responsible for alerting their teachers to notes from their parents and alerting their parents to notes from the teachers or school. Failure to bring the CJ to school, destroying the CJ, or removing pages from the CJ may be considered a disciplinary violation.

(BINS Handbook, pg. 6)


After a 6th absence, the parents will be required to meet with the Dean of Student to discuss the situation or develop an _____

Absence Recovery Plan

Students who miss 18 or more school days per year, or 10% of any individual class, are at risk for not meeting grade promotion requirements. 

(BINS Guidebook, pg.12)


If you feel ill and need to call your parents, you must call from the ________ 

Front Office
If you feel ill and need to call your parents, you must utlize the school office phone to do so. It is important that if you are not feeling well, you communicate this to the school office so you can be appropriate assessed.
(BINS Guidebook, pg. 24)


Name one classroom rule listed in the BINS Handbook (p. 30).

- No disruption of another student’s education;
- Follow all class rules about eating, drinking beverages other than water;
- No passing notes;
- No electronic devices not approved by the school

(BINS Handbook, pg. 30)


Name one rule listed under costumes in the BISV Guidebook.

- Wearing a full-face mask
- Having full- face paint
- Carrying any fake weapons or items that could be used as weapons

(BISV Guidebook, pg. 24)


If you are absent from school, how do you make up your schoolwork?

Contact the teacher to obtain missed work. You may also contact fellow students to obtain class notes to copy.

Copies of class notes are not provided by the school office. 

(BISV Guidebook, pg. 13)


What are the five types of absences?

1) Excused
2) Family Emergency
3) Illness
4) Medical
5) Unexcused

(BISV Handbook, pg. 12)


When can students have their phones out on a desk?

During office hours or in Late Bird 
Phones may be out on a desk during office hours or in Late Bird so that students may be aware of incoming communication from parents.
(BISV Guidebook, pg. 24) 


Name one dress code rule listed in the BINS Handbook (pg. 31).

- No clothing may be worn that is not appropriate for school (e.g., revealing clothing, exposed undergarments, excessively tight, excessively loose)
- No clothing may be worn that includes languages or images that are graphic or offensive; advertise or display drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, or gangs; or are suggestive of sexual or other inappropriate behavior
- Footwear must be suitable for a wide range of daily school activities, including PE, when applicable. Footwear that may threaten the safety or health of the wearer or other students (e.g., shoes with wheels in the soles, or excessively high-heeled or platform shoes) is not permitted. 

(BINS Handbook, pg. 31)


Where is the school’s Lost and Found?

(unless moved by Front Entrance before school breaks)

Valuable items, such as electronic devices may be found in the Front Office and items lost in the Gym may be found in the Gym cart.
The school will discard or donate any unclaimed items once a month and before long holidays.
To avoid clothing/belongings ending up in Lost and Found, please label items with your full name. 

(BINS Guidebook, pp. 26-27) 
