Salma teaches Lily to use this tool when picking blueberries
What is a rake?
Lily tries to raise money for an operation on this part of Lucky
What are eyes?
Salma lived in this state before moving to Maine
What is Florida?
The amount of times Danielle won the pageant
What is three?
Salma and Lily make this food for the Blueberry Festival
What are blueberry enchiladas?
Salma uses this kind of sandwich to lure Lucky out of the street when she and Lily first meet
What is peanut butter?
Salma's last name
Where Danielle is from
What is French Canada
Lily and Salma sometimes call blueberries by this name
What are stars?
Lucky makes friends with this puppy at the end of the book
Who is Rosie?
Salma has trouble with this kind of math before Lily and her study together
What are fractions?
This flower grows around Danielle's spot in the cemetary
What are tigerlillies?
What is Blueberries for Sal?
Lucky used to snap at these small flying creatures when they flew by him
What are butterflies and bees?
Salma says this when asked "what she will never do" at the pageant
What is "I'll never stay in one place?"
Salma does not know the name of this Robert Frost poem at the pageant
Memere feeds Lucky this food at the end of the story
What is bacon?
Salma received this odd gift when she first moved to Maine
What is a pork pie?