General Questions
Peer Pressure
Conflict Resolution
How do you handle conflict?  (your own personal answer)

(Ex. avoid it, approach directly)


Your brother wants you to go outside with him when your parents said not to go outside until they get home.  What would you say?

We could get in trouble, Our parents told us not to, we should respect our parents word


You're walking home and your friend says he has a new game system, however you know that your parents asked you to be at home right after school.  What would you do?

(Ex. Decline the offer and go home.)


You and your brother have an argument over who owns a video game even tho you both put up half the money to pay for it.  What would you say to handle that situation?

(Ex. We both paid for the video game so it belongs to us both)


You made a bad grade on your math test.  What would you say to your teacher to help fix the problem?

Is there any extra credit?, Ask for tutoring


What emotions do you feel when you encounter conflict?

(Ex. Anger, sadness) 


You have a math test in 7th period. Your friend, who had the same test in 3rd period, steals a copy and offers it to you.

(Ex. reject the offer, throw paper away)


If you found a wallet on the floor of the mall, what would you do?

(Ex. Turn it in to lost and found)


Your family just moved into a new house. There are three rooms available for you, your brother and sister, but one is larger than the others and has a bigger closet. Your sister has the most clothes and insists she needs the room. Your brother thinks he should get the room because he’s the oldest. You want the extra space for your drum set. It bothered everyone when you practiced in the dining room. Your parents told you to work it out amongst yourselves.

(Ex. Talk it out, compromise)

Examine the rooms and see how much space you really need


A person at school stole your folder with all your class notes in it.  How would you approach them?

(Draw your statement)


Why is it important to know how to handle conflict?

(Ex. communication skills)


Your friend wants you to pretend you’re her mom and call in sick for her so she can cut school.  What do you say?

(Ex. I am not doing that)


You overheard that your best friend is planning on pulling the fire alarm at school.  They do not know that you heard them.  What do you do?

Confront your friend, get an adult

While getting ready for school, you notice your favorite sweater is missing. You figure your younger sister borrowed it, so you ask her where it is. She reluctantly pulls it out from under her bed, with a big stain on the front of it.  What do you do or say?

Find something else to wear, tell sister to ask the next time she wants to wear something of yours


You accidentally spill your lunch on a classmate.  What do you say/do?

(No wrong answers besides not doing anything)


What is the best way you have handled a conflict in the past?

(your own answer)


List three reasons why people might give in to peer pressure.

(Ex. want to look cool.  Don't want friend to feel bad.)


You won 3 free tickets to Universal studios.  One of your friends find out and say they want to go, but you have 2 siblings that want to go as well.  What do you do?

(Ex. Explain to your friend that you have to take your younger siblings) 


You want to go to the movies with your friends Friday, but your parents have a different idea: They want you to go with them.  What do you say

(Talk it out)

Explain that you want to have fun with your friends, you can go with them the next day


The teacher asks to talk to you after class because they saw you whispering to a classmate during the lesson.  What do you say?

(Apologize, acknowledge their position of authority)


What is the worst way you have handled a conflict in the past?

(Your own answer)


Your friends are planning to skip a class that you all are not particularly fond of.  They ask you to come with them.  When you refuse they make fun of you and continue to ask you to skip.  What would you do?  (Note: talking it out does not work)

(Ex. refuse offer again and walk off)

You plan on buying a new game system.  You want to buy the Playstation 5, but your friend asks you to get the Xbox so you can play online together.  What do you say?

(Talk it out)

No wrong answers


A friend at school heard a rumor (that was not true) that you said something about them and now they want to fight.  what would you say to de-escalate the situation?

(Ex. I did not say that, who did you hear that from, lets try to figure this out)


You want to pursue a career in cooking, but your parents have been pushing you to pursue a career in computer engineering.  How would you explain to your parents that you do not want to pursue computer engineering?

No Wrong Answers
