This type of learner retains information best through movement and physical activity.
What is a kinesthetic learner?
These tools, such as building blocks, flashcards, or science kits, are common in kinesthetic learning environments.
What are manipulatives?
Instead of staying seated, kinesthetic learners might benefit from this kind of seating option that allows them to move slightly while working.
What is flexible seating?
Kinesthetic learners often excel in these subjects that require physical action, such as sports or drama.
What are physical education or performing arts?
Kinesthetic learners often struggle with this type of traditional classroom activity, which requires sitting still for long periods.
What is listening to lectures?
Teachers use this method to allow students to physically simulate real-world activities, like running a store or conducting a science experiment.
What is experiential learning?
In this type of classroom activity, students rotate through different areas to complete tasks, keeping them engaged through movement.
What are learning stations?
Research shows that kinesthetic activities improve this type of memory, which involves recalling tasks or procedures.
What is procedural/implicit memory?
This theory, developed by Howard Gardner, supports the idea that kinesthetic intelligence is one of many ways people process information.
What is the theory of Multiple Intelligences?
This problem-solving activity involves hands-on experimentation and encourages kinesthetic learners to make discoveries through trial and error.
What is inquiry-based learning?
This teaching strategy involves having students walk to different spots in the room to show their answers, such as to "agree," "disagree," or "neutral" areas.
What is a four-corners activity?
Hands-on learning is particularly effective for this brain function, which combines motor skills and cognitive learning.
What is embodied cognition?