This cut is a whole-muscle product hand-pulled by separating the inner pectoral muscle from the breast and the sternum.
This disease will have your chicken gasping, coughing, and raspy breath sounds.
What is Infectious Bronchitis?
This cut is a feathery arm-like part on the side of the chicken.
What is the Brahma chicken?
This illness is a slow-spreading viral infection of chickens and turkeys characterized by proliferative lesions in the skin that progress to thick scabs (cutaneous form) and by lesions in the upper GI and respiratory tracts (diphtheritic form).
This cut is also known as chicken fingers, chicken goujons, chicken strips or chicken fillets, these are chicken meat prepared from the pectoralis minor muscles. These strips of white meat are located on either side of the breastbone, under the breast meat (pectoralis major).
What is the Ayam Cemani chicken?
These are insects that feed as external parasites on chickens and other birds.
This cut is obtained by cutting at the natural seam through the hip joint.
This kind of chicken is the best egg layer, such as the Golden Comet.
The treatment for this is to dip your chicken's legs in surgical spirit three times a week and rub vaseline on the legs in between dips to try and soften the scales and suffocate the mites.
What is the breast?
This disease is a highly contagious viral neoplastic disease in chickens. It is named after József Marek, a Hungarian veterinarian.
What is Marek's disease?