What city did Hunter take Andy to for their high-school graduation?
Memphis, TN
What are Hunter and Andy doing with their names after their married?
A. Andy is changing theirs
B. Hunter is changing his
C. They're both hyphenating
D. Neither of them are doing anything
D. We couldn't agree whose name would go first if we both hyphenated
Does Andy work for Spokane Public Library (SPL) or Spokane County Library District (SCLD)?
SCLD, North Spokane branch
Who cried (twice) during Barbie?
What month/ year did Andy have their first knee surgery?
May 2020
Three days before they turned 17 :(
What did Hunter use to "Pavlov" Andy before they were dating?
Candy canes
What food does Hunter want that Andy vetoed?
A. a whole hog
B. a goose
C. smokies
D. deviled eggs
A. ain't no WAY
Hunter works at Fort Spokane, which used to be what?
A residential boarding school
Who said I love you first?
How many tattoos does Andy have?
What was Hunter's response when Andy asked him out?
A. Gimme one sec
B. Seriously?
C. *Didn't respond for HOURS*
D. Jesus, Sofie. I can't legally say yes now.
D. Spelling my name wrong and everything
What is the name of Andy and Hunter's wedding website?
andy and hunter joint tax return
What show was Andy working on when they met one of their Maids of Honor, Raven?
Clue: Onstage!
Who cried during Wreck it Ralph 2?
What was Andy’s initial criteria for getting engaged?
They wanted to have graduated college
What is Hunter and Andy's dating anniversary?
January 31, 2018
What is the song being used for the first dance?
The Retirement Song - The Longest Johns
How many places (combined) has hunter worked and volunteered at?
*we’ll count it if it’s within 2 of the answer*
Who said “omg a bat!” When there was a fly in our house?
What tv show were Hunter and Andy’s Halloween costumes based off of this year?
DuckTales (Scrooge McDuck and Flintheart Glomgold)
Yeah What was the tv show that Andy and Hunter often watched in the basement at Lavelle, even though Lisa thought it was a euphemism?
What bird did Hunter talk about during his proposal?
What was the name of Hunter's favorite coworker (and best friend) when he worked in Eastern Shore?
One of us gets drunk and thinks they can dance, the other gets drunk and thinks they can sing. Who does what?
Hunter dances, Andy sings
What are the (rhyming) nicknames hunter and Andy use to refer to both dogs?
Crazy and Lazy