Favorite color
PINK (or teal)
How old is my brother
Whens my birthday
march 6
What food do I hate
Mash potatoes
Favorite animal
Whale shark
favorite food
Cheese bread
what type of dogs are mine
Banks- a spring haired pointer Buddy- a black lab mix
What sports do I do
Swimming and wrestling
what class do I hate
Marketing or spanish
Most prized possession
My stool (from marshals)
Whats my EXACT starbucks order
Mango dragon fruit lemonade with extra berries and light ice
name everyone in my family INCLUDING dogs
Ill tell you
whats my celeb crush (specific)
Young mark wahlburg
color I hate
mustard yellow
most recent obsession
stitching, sewing
Favorite word
what is my moms sides heritage
Whats my aesthetic specifically
Coastal granddaughter
what do I always hate seeing in store
Most recent favorite singer
Billy joel
27 dresses or how to lose a guy in 10 days
what did my grandma call me when i was younger
Honey bunches
Whats my roman empire
Library of Alexandria
What icks me out
Bot flys or parasites
Most recent situation ship if yk yk
I cant say his name bruh