date of Rosh Hashana
alef and bet tishrei
What are the potato pancakes we eat on Hanukkah called?
when do we light the menorah
after 3 stars come out
what was the purpose of the greeks
there goal was to get rid of jews
why do we have foods in oils
to remember the oil from the bet hamikdas
date of som gadalia
gimel tishrei
What is the name of the special jelly donuts Jews in Israel eat during Hanukkah?
how many candles do we need to light on hannuka
add one candle every night
3 main mitzvot that were uprooted
shabbat hodesh and milah
why do we light the menorah
to remember the miricale with the menorah
date of hannuka
caf heh kislev
What is the name for the chocolate coins we use on Hanukkah.
maccabbi chocalate
who is obligated to light the menorah
every one is obligated in lighting the menorah, the menorah is lit by one of the members of household. ashkanazim have a diffrent custom
how were the jews that wanted to be like Greeks called
why do we light the menorah by the window
to publize the miricle
days the menorah was lit for?
8 days and nights
How are Hanukkah foods cooked?
In Oil
what do u light the menorah with
pure olive oil
what were the jews that didn't want to leave hashem ready to do
ready to die
what do we have a custom to do in the succah
eat and sleep
when did bny renew the work of the korbanot?
25th of kislev
why do we cook hannuka foods in oil
to remember the oil from the bet hamikdash
where do we light the menorah
left side of the, by a window
in which city did the Cohen gadol live
what are the 5 tephillot we say on yom kippur
arvit shacharit mussaf mincha neila