Who are the main characters?
Hansel and Gretel
What is the setting?
The forest.
What genre of book is this?
Folk Tale.
Why did the stepmother and father want to drop the kids off in the woods?
They were poor and had no food.
What did Hansel drop to make a path back home the FIRST time?
Who was mad that the kids found their way home?
The stepmother.
What did Hansel drop on the ground to make a path home the SECOND time?
Bread crumbs.
What kind of house did they see on their way home?
A gingerbread house.
What did the witch do with Hansel at first?
What did the witch do with Gretel at first?
She made her be a servant.
What did Hansel put through the bars to trick the witch?
A chicken bone.
What was the Witch going to do to Hansel?
Cook him and eat him.
Who pushed the Witch into the boiling water?
Who led the children home the last time?
The forest animals.
What happened to the step mother?
She was sent away.