What is the name of the candle that helps light the other candles?
The Shamash
Those were the night of Chanukah.
I remember long ago
What were the Jews in the Hanukah story called?
We eat dairy on Chanukah?
True we do eat dairy on Chanukah.
What happens, if during a game of dreidel you spin and land on nun?
What food do we eat on Chanukah?
Latkes Gelt Sufganiyot
I flipped my latkes in the.
Air sometime
Where was the story of Hanukah?
We spin the Dreidel on chanukah?
Trure we do sin the dreidel on chanukah.
What happens, if during a game of dreidel you spin and land on hay?
You win half of the gelt.
Why do celabrate chanukah for eight nights.
The jar contained only enough oil to burn for one day, but miraculously the oil burned for eight days until new consecrated oil could be found.
We wish you a happy____
After the Maccabees captured Jerusalem, what place did they need to clean?
The Beit HaMikdash
We sing christmas song on Chanukah?
False we do not sing christmas songs on chaunukah.
What do the letters on the Dreidel stand for? (in English)
A Great Miracle Happened Here
In which direction are Hanukkah candles lit?
right to left
Hanukah oh hanukah come light the.
Who is the hero of the story of Hanukkah
Judah Maccabee
We light 12 candles on chanukah?
Fase we do not light 12 candles on canukah.
But in america the letters on a Dreidle?
Nun Gimel Hay Shin
Where was the first menorah?
The Beit HaMikdash
Light up the night the_______buring bright
What is the name of the evil King in the Hanukkah story?
We did latkes in Aple sauce and sour cream on chanukah?
True we do dip latkes in Aple sauce and sour cream on chanukah.
In Israel what letters are on a Dreidel?
Nun Gimel hay Pei